the product, clean the trays and recharge them before they re-enter the rma The trays are emptied pneumatically by an air-hose which lifts the product into a hopper, thence feeding into the conditioning bins. The air is discharged through a cyclone. If more than one unit is installed, the pneumatic emptying device can be connected to a common duct, providing discharge points from several dryers TABLE 4.1 THROUGHPUTPERFORMANCES OF THEMTCHELL DRYERS THRUFLO DOUBLE TRAYDRYER Thruflo drying units may be used where an intermediate level of production is required. They have been designed to give a good degree of automation to batch drying and to provide the facility for a staged drying e as used in conveyor band drying, thus improving efficiency and output as well as providing a high quality product These semi continuous dryers employ a through circulation of drying air and comprise two drying chambers each housing 10 perforated trays measuring 3m by 2m by 150mm deep. There are transfer zones between the two compartments where the trays are loaded and emptied, and also the facility to agitate the material on the trays part way through the drying cycle, which helps ensure more even drying The product filled trays travel automatically through the drying chambers at a rate commensurate with optimum drying and pr TYPICAL PREPARED FEED RATES A 310kg/hr M shrooms 40kg/h Beans, French 500 570 Carrots 630 Potatoes Cabbage Pe Cauliflower 630 Parsley 330 630 630 Leek 53the product, clean the trays and recharge them befoE they re-enter the primary chamber. The trays are emptied pneumatically by an air-hose which lifts the product into a hopper, thence feeding into the conditioning bins. The air is discharged through a cyclone. If more than one unit is installed, the pneumatic emptying device can be connected to a common duct, providing discharge points from several dryers. TABLE 4.1 7HROUGHF'DPERFORZ"CES OFl7EMITcKELL DRYERS THRWLQ DOUBLETRAYDRYER Thruflo drying units may be used where an intermediate level of production is required. They have been designed to give a good degree of automation to batch drying and to provide the facility for a staged drying technique as used in conveyor band drying, thus improving efficiency and output as well as providing a high quality product. These semi continuous dryers employ a through circulation of drying air and comprise two drying chambers each housing 10 perforated trays measuring 3m by 2m by 150mm deep. There are transfer zones between the two compartments where the trays are loaded and emptied, and also the facility to agitate the material on the trays part way through the drying cycle, which helps ensure more even drying. The product filled trays travel automatically through the drying chambers at a rate commensurate with optimum drying and product quality. TYPICAL PREPARED FEED RATES Asparagus 3lOkg/hr Mushrooms 54Okg / hr Beans,French 500 " Onions 570 " carrots 630 " Potatoes 710 " Celery 650 " Peas 470 " Cabbage 450 " Peppers 600 " Cauliflower 550 " Parsnips 630 " Cloves 630 " Parsley 330 " Ginger 630 " Swedes 630 " Garlic 570 " Spinach 270 " Leeks 530 " 72