《法律诊所》实验课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16016003 课程名称:法律诊所 英文名称:Legal Clinic 课程类别:选修课 学时:24 学分:3 适用对象:法学卓法 考核方式:分散 先修课程:民法与民事诉讼法、、刑法与刑事诉讼法、行政法与行政诉讼法。 二、课程简介 诊所式法建教有发出干羊国,又称“临宋法律教音”。系指仿效医学院学生 在医疗诊所临床实习的做法,原则上在有律师执业资格的教师指导之下,将法学 专业学生置于 法律诊所”中,为处于生活困境而又迫切需要法律援助的人提供 法律咨询,“诊断”其法律问题,开出“处方”。以此促进学生对法律理论的深 入理解。其优点在于培养法学学生的职业技能和职业道德意识,特别是律师职业 技能,以实现法学理论与法律实践的统一。 Legal Clinic originated in the United States,also known as the “clinical legal education” It refers to the way by that medical students practice in medical clinic.In principle,under the guidance of qualified lawyer,the students provide legal service to the people who need legal help.The students must find out legal issues and give out prescriptions.Its advantage lies in the cultivation of law students' occupation skill and occupation moral sciousness espe ially the lawyer occupation skills,in order to achieve the unity of legal theory and legal practice.《法律诊所》实验课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16016003 课程名称:法律诊所 英文名称: Legal Clinic 课程类别:选修课 学时:24 学分:3 适用对象:法学 卓法 考核方式:分散 先修课程:民法与民事诉讼法、、刑法与刑事诉讼法、行政法与行政诉讼法。 二、课程简介 诊所式法律教育发端于美国,又称“临床法律教育”。系指仿效医学院学生 在医疗诊所临床实习的做法,原则上在有律师执业资格的教师指导之下,将法学 专业学生置于“法律诊所”中,为处于生活困境而又迫切需要法律援助的人提供 法律咨询,“诊断”其法律问题,开出“处方”。以此促进学生对法律理论的深 入理解。其优点在于培养法学学生的职业技能和职业道德意识,特别是律师职业 技能,以实现法学理论与法律实践的统一 。 Legal Clinic originated in the United States, also known as the “clinical legal education”. It refers to the way by that medical students practice in medical clinic. In principle, under the guidance of qualified lawyer, the students provide legal service to the people who need legal help. The students must find out legal issues and give out prescriptions. Its advantage lies in the cultivation of law students' occupation skill and occupation moral consciousness, especially the lawyer occupation skills, in order to achieve the unity of legal theory and legal practice
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