690 FLACK AND BERNARDINELLI 23.Johansson A,Hakansson M,Jagner S.Total spontaneous resolution of 33.Spek AL Single-crystal structure validation with the program PLA. chiral covalent networks from stereochemically labile metal com- TON.J Appl Cryst 2003;36:7-13. plexes.Chem Eur J 2005:11:5311-5318. 34.Kuchta MC,Parkin G.Incorrect atom connectivity in X-ray structure 24.Minguet M,Amabilino DB,Wurst K,Veciana J.Circular dichroism solutions associated with a 'partial polar ambiguity':a non-macrocyclic studies of crystalline chiral and achiral a-nitronyl nitroxide radicals in structure for the macrocyclic lead complex,In-MestaalPb.New J a KBr matrix.J Chem Soc Perkin Trans 2.2001:670-676. Chem1998:22:523-530. 25.Kuroda R.Honma T.CD Spectra of solid-state samples.Chirality 35.Kiindig EP,Berardinelli G.Kondratenko M,Robieux F,Roma 2000,12:269-277. nens P.New chromium enolates.Helv Chim Acta 2003;86:4169 26.Hutin M,Cramer CJ.Gagliardi Shahi ARM.Bernardinelli G.Cerny 4184. R.Nitschke JR.Self-sorting chiral subcomponent rearrangement dur- 36.Muiller P,Riegert D,Bernardinelli G.Desymmetrization of N-sulfo ing crystallization.J Am Chem Soc 2007:129:8774-8780. nated aziridines by alkyllithium reagents in the presence of chiral 27.Rogers D.Some fundamental problems of relating tensorial properties to ligands.Helv Chim Acta 2004:87:227-239. the chirality or polarity of crystals.In:Ramaseshan S,Abrahams SC,edi- 37.Muiller P,Nury P.Desymmetrization of meso-N-sulfonylaziridines tors.Anomalous scattering.Copenhagen:Munksgaard;1975.p231-250. with chiral nonracemic nucleophiles and bases.Helv Chim Acta 28.Sheldrick GM.SHELXL93/97.Program for the refinement of crystal 2001:84662-677. structures.(1993/1997).University of Gottingen,Germany. 38.Janovec V.Group analysis of domains and domain pairs.Czech J Phys 29.Clegg W.Some guidelines for publishing SHELXL-generated CIF B1972:22:974-994. results in Acta Crystallographica.Acta Cryst E 2003:59:e2-e5. 30.Hall SR,MeMahon B,editors.International tables for crystallography. 39.Flack HD.The derivation of twin laws for (pseudo-)merohedry by coset decomposition.Acta Cryst A 1987:43:564-568. volume G:Definition and exchange of crystallographic data.Dor- drecht:International Union of Crystallography and Kluwer Academic 40.Herbst-Irmer R,Sheldrick GM.Refinement of twinned structures with Publishers;2006. SHELXL97.Acta Cryst B 1998;54:443-449. 31.Harlow RL.Troublesome crystal structures:Prevention,detection, 41.Le Page Y.Gabe EJ,Gainsford GJ.A robust alternative to [eta]refine. and resolution.J Res NIST 1996:101:327-339. ment for assessing the hand of chiral compounds.J Appl Cryst 1990; 32.checkCIF/PLATON service of the Intemational Union of Crystallography. 23:406-411. Available at http://journals.iucr.org/services/cif/checking/checkform. 42.Parsons S.Contribution E0043 to the American Crystallographic Asso- btml ciation Meeting,San Antonio,Texas,25th-30th May 2002. Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir23. Johansson A, Hakansson M, Jagner S. Total spontaneous resolution of chiral covalent networks from stereochemically labile metal com￾plexes. Chem Eur J 2005;11:5311–5318. 24. Minguet M, Amabilino DB, Wurst K, Veciana J. Circular dichroism studies of crystalline chiral and achiral a-nitronyl nitroxide radicals in a KBr matrix. J Chem Soc Perkin Trans 2. 2001;670–676. 25. Kuroda R, Honma T. CD Spectra of solid-state samples. Chirality 2000;12:269–277. 26. Hutin M, Cramer CJ, Gagliardi L, Shahi ARM, Bernardinelli G, Cerny R, Nitschke JR. Self-sorting chiral subcomponent rearrangement dur￾ing crystallization. J Am Chem Soc 2007;129:8774–8780. 27. Rogers D. Some fundamental problems of relating tensorial properties to the chirality or polarity of crystals. In: Ramaseshan S, Abrahams SC, edi￾tors. Anomalous scattering. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1975. p 231–250. 28. Sheldrick GM. SHELXL93/97. Program for the refinement of crystal structures. (1993/1997). University of Go¨ttingen, Germany. 29. Clegg W. Some guidelines for publishing SHELXL-generated CIF results in Acta Crystallographica. Acta Cryst E 2003;59:e2–e5. 30. Hall SR, McMahon B, editors. International tables for crystallography, volume G: Definition and exchange of crystallographic data. Dor￾drecht: International Union of Crystallography and Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2006. 31. Harlow RL. Troublesome crystal structures: Prevention, detection, and resolution. J Res NIST 1996;101:327–339. 32. checkCIF/PLATON service of the International Union of Crystallography. Available at http://journals.iucr.org/services/cif/checking/checkform. html. 33. Spek AL. Single-crystal structure validation with the program PLA￾TON. J Appl Cryst 2003;36:7–13. 34. Kuchta MC, Parkin G. Incorrect atom connectivity in X-ray structure solutions associated with a ‘partial polar ambiguity’: a non-macrocyclic structure for the macrocyclic lead complex, [h4 -Me8taa]Pb. New J Chem 1998;22:523–530. 35. Ku¨ndig EP, Bernardinelli G, Kondratenko M, Robieux F, Roma￾nens P. New chromium enolates. Helv Chim Acta 2003;86:4169– 4184. 36. Mu¨ller P, Riegert D, Bernardinelli G. Desymmetrization of N-sulfo￾nated aziridines by alkyllithium reagents in the presence of chiral ligands. Helv Chim Acta 2004;87:227–239. 37. Mu¨ller P, Nury P. Desymmetrization of meso-N-sulfonylaziridines with chiral nonracemic nucleophiles and bases. Helv Chim Acta 2001;84:662–677. 38. Janovec V. Group analysis of domains and domain pairs. Czech J Phys B 1972;22:974–994. 39. Flack HD. The derivation of twin laws for (pseudo-)merohedry by coset decomposition. Acta Cryst A 1987;43:564–568. 40. Herbst-Irmer R, Sheldrick GM. Refinement of twinned structures with SHELXL97. Acta Cryst B 1998;54:443–449. 41. Le Page Y, Gabe EJ, Gainsford GJ. A robust alternative to [eta] refine￾ment for assessing the hand of chiral compounds. J Appl Cryst 1990; 23:406–411. 42. Parsons S. Contribution E0043 to the American Crystallographic Asso￾ciation Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 25th–30th May 2002. 690 FLACK AND BERNARDINELLI Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
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