例计算x的立方 内存的变化情况 #include <stdio. h> float c(float x i return(x*x*x) p1.728 main i float a, p printf("Please input value of a: scanf(%f", &a) 1.2 printf(Cube of %.4f is %. 4fn", a,p): 运行情况: Please input value of a: 1.2例 计算x的立方 #include <stdio.h> float c(float x) { return(x*x*x); } main() { float a, p; printf("Please input value of a:"); scanf("%f",&a); p=c(a); printf(”Cube of %.4f is %.4f\n",a,p); } x a p ×× ×× 1.2 1.2 1.728 内存的变化情况 运行情况: Please input value of a: 1.2
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