第十二章多基因遗传病 一些常见病或多发畸形,它们的发病率并不低,一般在0.1% 1%,有一定的遗传基础,有家族聚集现象,但患者同胞发病远低于 1/2或1/4,一般在1%~10%左右。发病还受到环境因素的影响。这 种发病有一定多基因遗传基础的一类复杂疾病,称为多基因遗传病 Complex genetic Disorders Hypertension, cancer, manic-depressive psychosis, and schizophenia are common complex genetic disorders. The genetic components of all these have been difficult to identify. Most are heterogeneous, and a large part of their analysis will involve dissecting the heterogeneity, finding genes responsible for different genetic forms, and establishing rsik factors separate from the genetic background, that increase the probability that the disease will develop in an individual patient. Although in principle the methods of genetic linkage analysis can be applied to multifactorial or polygenic traits, in practice this will be quite difficult 第一节精神分裂症 精神分裂症( schizophrenia,SZ,OMN#181500是一种较为常 见的病因不明的精神障碍性疾病。其终生发生率为1%,社会负担居 各类疾病的第四位(据WHO资料)。城乡之间发病率有差异,城市居 民发病率(7.11%)明显高于农村(4.26%)。经济收入高低不同有差 异,收入水平低的发生率(10.16%)高于经济收入水平的居民 (475%)。女性发生率高于男性(比例为16:1)。- 1 - 第十二章 多基因遗传病 一些常见病或多发畸形,它们的发病率并不低,一般在 0.1%~ 1%,有一定的遗传基础,有家族聚集现象,但患者同胞发病远低于 1/2 或 1/4,一般在 1%~10%左右。发病还受到环境因素的影响。这 种发病有一定多基因遗传基础的一类复杂疾病,称为多基因遗传病。 Complex Genetic Disorders Hypertension, cancer, manic-depressive psychosis, and schizophrnia are common complex genetic disorders. The genetic components of all these have been difficult to identify. Most are heterogeneous, and a large part of their analysis will involve dissecting the heterogeneity, finding genes responsible for different genetic forms, and establishing rsik factors, separate from the genetic background, that increase the probability that the disease will develop in an individual patient. Although in principle the methods of genetic linkage analysis can be applied to multifactorial or polygenic traits, in practice this will be quite difficult. 第一节 精神分裂症 精神分裂症(schizophrenia,SZ,OMIN#181500)是一种较为常 见的病因不明的精神障碍性疾病。其终生发生率为 1%,社会负担居 各类疾病的第四位(据 WHO 资料)。城乡之间发病率有差异,城市居 民发病率(7.11%)明显高于农村(4.26%)。经济收入高低不同有差 异,收入水平低的发生率(10.16%)高于经济收入水平的居民 (4.75%)。女性发生率高于男性(比例为 1.6︰1)
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