M| Est Terrestrial Planet Finder(TPF)齡路 Mission Statement: To study all aspects of planets ranging from their formation and development in disks of dust and gas around newly forming stars to the presence and features of those planets orbiting the nearest stars Specifically, to conduct a search for Earth-like planets in star systems located within 15 parsecs of our solar system Primary Mission: To detect Earth-like planets around nearby stars, especially those in the habitable zone where liquid water is likely to exist Bracewell Nulling interferometer Secondary Mission: To characterize approximately 50 of these Earth-like planets Medium spectroscopy(50 planets) Detailed spectroscopy (5 planets) To image astrophysical structures to within milli-arcsecond angular resolution (Michelson interferometer) requires longer baselines http:/tpfjpl.nasagov/ O Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Dr. Cyrus D Jilla& Prof. Olivier de Weck Engineering Systems Division and Dept of Aeronautics& AstronauticsTerrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) • Mission Statement: “To study all aspects of planets ranging from their formation and development in disks of dust and gas around newly forming stars to the presence and features of those planets orbiting the nearest stars. Specifically, to conduct a search for Earth-like planets in star systems located within 15 parsecs of our solar system.” • Primary Mission: To detect Earth-like planets around nearby stars, especially those in the habitable zone where liquid water is likely to exist – Bracewell Nulling interferometer • Secondary Mission: To characterize approximately 50 of these Earth-like planets – Medium spectroscopy (50 planets) – Detailed spectroscopy (5 planets) • To image astrophysical structures to within milli-arcsecond angular resolution (Michelson interferometer) requires longer baselines • http://tpf.jpl.nasa.gov/ © Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Dr. Cyrus D. Jilla & Prof. Olivier de Weck Engineering Systems Division and Dept. of Aeronautics & Astronautics 9