·1098· 工程科学学报,第40卷,第9期 力0.52MPa,温度55℃的工况下,L80的腐蚀速率 its mitigation.Mater Corros,2008,59 (2):181 极高,腐蚀产物主要为FeCO3及Fe,C,腐蚀后试样 [6]Salam MM.An alterative to API 14E erosional velocity limits for 表面会产生大量的微小蚀坑. sand-aden fluids.J Energy Resour Technol,2000,122:71 ] Zheng Z B,Zheng Y G.Erosion-enhanced corrosion of stainless (2)在该工况下,高气速产生了巨大的壁面剪 steel and carbon steel measured electrochemically under liquid and 切力,而高壁面剪切力会破坏并携带走大量的腐蚀 slurry impingement J Corros Sci,2016,102:259 产物,阻止完整腐蚀产物膜的形成,导致只有部分腐 [8]Ruzic V,Veidt M,Nesic'S.Protective iron carbonate films-Part 蚀产物呈碎屑状分布于蚀坑内部. 3:Simultaneous chemo-mechanical removal in single-phase aque- (3)腐蚀产物中的Fe,C是L80在高气速湿气 ous1ow.Corros,2007,63(8):758 [9]Sun Y,Hong T,Bosch C.Carbon dioxide corrosion in wet gas an- 环境中金属基体表面Fe被腐蚀后残存下来的.由 nular flow at elevated temperature.Corrosion,2003,59(8):733 于金属基体表面剩余的Fe,C电极电位较Fe正,在 [10]MeLaury B S,Shirazi S A.An alternate method to API RP 14E 试样表面为阴极区,容易与基体中的Fe形成电偶腐 for predicting solids erosion in multiphase flow.J Energy Resour 蚀,不仅提高了腐蚀速率,还会引发局部腐蚀,使得 Technol,2000,122:115 金属表面产生大量的蚀坑,且蚀坑不断扩大加深 [11]Edwards J K,McLaury B S,Shirazi S A.Modeling solid particle erosion in elbows and plugged tees.I Energy Resour Technol, 2001,123:277 参考文献 [12]Papavinasam S,Revie R W,Attard M,et al.Comparison of la- [1]Yang J W,Zhang L,Ding R M,et al.H2S/CO2 corrosion behav- boratory methodologies to evaluate corrosion inhibitors for oil and ior of X60 pipeline steel in wet gas and solution.Acta Metall Sin, gas pipelines.Corrasion,2003.59(10):897 2008,44(11):1366 [13]Efird K D,Wright E J,Boros J A,et al.Correlation of steel cor- (杨建炜,张雷,丁蓉明,等.X60管线钢在湿气和溶液介质 rosion in pipe flow with jet impingement and rotating cylinder 中的H2S/C02腐蚀行为.金属学报,2008,44(11):1366) tests.Corrosion,1993,49(12):992 Zhang Z,Hinkson D,Singer M,et al.A mechanistic model of [14]Heuer J K,Stubbins J F.Microstructure analysis of coupons ex- top-of+he-ine corrosion.Corrosion,2007,63(11):1051 posed to carbon dioxide corrosion in multiphase flow.Corrosion, B]Albertini C,Femandez S,Munoz L G,et al.Advanced process 1998,54(7):566 simulation and erosion-corrosion modeling applied to material se- [15]Crolet J L,Thevenot N,Nesic S.Role of conductive corrosion lection and fitness for service of gas production wells//CORRO- products on the protectiveness of corrosion layers.Corrosion, S/ON 2012.Salt Lake City,2012:ArtNo.NACE -2012 -1255 1998,54(3):194 [4]Malka R,Nesic S,Gulino D A.Erosion-corrosion and synergistic [16]Varela F E,Kurata Y,Sanada N.The influence of temperature effects in disturbed liquid-particle flow.Wear,2007,262 (78): on the galvanic corrosion of a cast iron-stainless steel couple 791 (prediction by boundary element method).Corros Sci,1997,39 5]Schmitt G.Bakalli M.Advanced models for erosion corrosion and (4):775工程科学学报,第 40 卷,第 9 期 力 0. 52 MPa,温度 55 ℃ 的工况下,L80 的腐蚀速率 极高,腐蚀产物主要为 FeCO3 及 Fe3C,腐蚀后试样 表面会产生大量的微小蚀坑. ( 2) 在该工况下,高气速产生了巨大的壁面剪 切力,而高壁面剪切力会破坏并携带走大量的腐蚀 产物,阻止完整腐蚀产物膜的形成,导致只有部分腐 蚀产物呈碎屑状分布于蚀坑内部. ( 3) 腐蚀产物中的 Fe3C 是 L80 在高气速湿气 环境中金属基体表面 Fe 被腐蚀后残存下来的. 由 于金属基体表面剩余的 Fe3C 电极电位较 Fe 正,在 试样表面为阴极区,容易与基体中的 Fe 形成电偶腐 蚀,不仅提高了腐蚀速率,还会引发局部腐蚀,使得 金属表面产生大量的蚀坑,且蚀坑不断扩大加深. 参 考 文 献 [1] Yang J W,Zhang L,Ding R M,et al. H2 S /CO2 corrosion behav￾ior of X60 pipeline steel in wet gas and solution. Acta Metall Sin, 2008,44( 11) : 1366 ( 杨建炜,张雷,丁睿明,等. X60 管线钢在湿气和溶液介质 中的 H2 S /CO2 腐蚀行为. 金属学报,2008,44( 11) : 1366) [2] Zhang Z,Hinkson D,Singer M,et al. A mechanistic model of top-of-the-line corrosion. Corrosion,2007,63( 11) : 1051 [3] Albertini C,Fernández S,Muoz L G,et al. Advanced process simulation and erosion-corrosion modeling applied to material se￾lection and fitness for service of gas production wells / / CORRO￾SION 2012. Salt Lake City,2012: ArtNo. NACE - 2012 - 1255 [4] Malka R,Neic S' ,Gulino D A. Erosion--corrosion and synergistic effects in disturbed liquid-particle flow. 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