Helper Methods Inherited From android。 content。 Context FileInputstream open FileInput(String name) o Open a private file for reading Fileoutputstream openFileoutput(String name, int mode o Open a private file for writing or appending ° File getFilesDir() o Get the absolute path to the file system directory where your nternal files are saved (i.e, returns a File object for /data/data/package name>/files/ File getDir (string name, int mode) o Create(or open an existing) directory within your internal storage space. 24Helper Methods Inherited From android.content.Context • FileInputStream openFileInput(String name) o Open a private file for reading. • FileOutputStream openFileOutput(String name, int mode) o Open a private file for writing or appending. • File getFilesDir() o Get the absolute path to the file system directory where your internal files are saved (i.e., returns a File object for /data/data/<package name>/files/). • File getDir(String name, int mode) o Create (or open an existing) directory within your internal storage space. 24
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