The Seven Info-Wastes Over-production Creation of unnecessary data and information Information over-dissemination; Pushing, not pulling data 2. Inventory Lack of control: Too much in information Complicated retrieval; Outdated, obsolete information 3. Transportation Information incompatibility, Software incompatibility: Communications failure, Security issues 4. Unnecessary Lack of direct access; Reformatting Movement 5. Waiting Late delivery of information; Delivery too early (leads to rework) 6. Defective Products Haste; Lack of reviews, tests, verifications Need for information or knowledge, data delivered 7. Processing Unnecessary serial production; EXcessive/custom formatting Too many iterations Deborah Nightingale, MIT@ 2002 Source: Lean Aerospace Initiativ11 Deborah Nightingale, MIT © 2002 The Seven Info-Wastes Unnecessary serial production; Excessive/custom formatting; Too many iterations 7. Processing Haste; Lack of reviews, tests, verifications; Need for information or knowledge,data delivered 6. Defective Products Late delivery of information; Delivery too early (leads to rework) 5. Waiting 4. Unnecessary Lack of direct access;Reformatting Movement Information incompatibility; Software incompatibility; Communications failure; Security issues 3. Transportation Lack of control; Too much in information; Complicated retrieval; Outdated, obsolete information 2. Inventory Creation of unnecessary data and information; Information over-dissemination; Pushing, not pulling, data 1. Over-production Source: Lean Aerospace Initiative
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