一、课程简介课程代码:TMP711学分:6分学时:112学时先修课程:中医学基础、中医学诊断人体解剖学后续课程:刺法灸法学、针灸治疗学适用专业:中医学(针灸推拿方向)《经络穴学》为五年制针灸推拿专业本科学生的基础课程和主干课程,是针灸学的基础理论和核心内容,对针灸临床及其它临床各科均有广泛的指导意义。经络学,主要以经络的临床应用为依据,阐述人体内脏、体表及各部门之间的相互联系及其调控规律;穴学,是以经络学说为指导,阐述穴的分布位置、作用规律及临床应用的一门学科。经络穴学主要内容包括经络穴概论、经络穴各论和经络的纵横关系及现代研究三部分。通过本课程的学习,要求学生掌握人体经络系统的组成、循行分布及其所主病候,掌握穴的归经、定位及主治功效,用以指导辩证施治,为临床实践打好基础。本课程为112个学时,6学分。基本要求为以教材为主,加强理论与实践的有机结合。方法为以课堂讲授为主,根据章节内容,分别以实物、模型、图表、实验操作,以及录象、幻灯等教具和设备辅助进行,尤应加强在人体点穴的实践操作,以加深对教学内容的理解,增强教学效果。Course Code:TMP711Credit:6Period:112Previous Course: Basic theory of TCM, Diagnosis of TCM, AnatomyFollow-up Course: Needling and Moxibustion, Acupuncture TherapyTarget Majors : Acupuncture and MassageScience of Meridians and Acupoints is a basic course of backbone course for thefive-year undergraduate students who major in Acupuncture and Massage, and it is the basictheory and core content of clinic of acupuncture and moxibustion and other clinicaldepartments all have extensive significance. According to the clinical application, Science ofMeridians expatiates the law and regulation that the human body organs, surface and theirrelations of others departments. Science of Acupoints has guidance from meridian theory toexpatiates the distributions of acupoints location, the role of the clinical application of rules一、课程简介 课程代码:TMP711 学 分:6 分 学 时:112 学时 先修课程:中医学基础、中医学诊断 人体解剖学 后续课程:刺法灸法学、针灸治疗学 适用专业:中医学(针灸推拿方向) 《经络腧穴学》为五年制针灸推拿专业本科学生的基础课程和主干课程,是针灸 学的基础理论和核心内容,对针灸临床及其它临床各科均有广泛的指导意义。经络学, 主要以经络的临床应用为依据,阐述人体内脏、体表及各部门之间的相互联系及其调 控规律;腧穴学,是以经络学说为指导,阐述腧穴的分布位置、作用规律及临床应用 的一门学科。经络腧穴学主要内容包括经络腧穴概论、经络腧穴各论和经络的纵横关 系及现代研究三部分。通过本课程的学习,要求学生掌握人体经络系统的组成、循行 分布及其所主病候,掌握腧穴的归经、定位及主治功效,用以指导辩证施治,为临床 实践打好基础。本课程为 112 个学时,6 学分。基本要求为以教材为主,加强理论与 实践的有机结合。方法为以课堂讲授为主,根据章节内容,分别以实物、模型、图表、 实验操作,以及录象、幻灯等教具和设备辅助进行,尤应加强在人体点穴的实践操作, 以加深对教学内容的理解,增强教学效果。 Course Code:TMP711 Credit:6 Period:112 Previous Course:Basic theory of TCM, Diagnosis of TCM, Anatomy Follow-up Course:Needling and Moxibustion, Acupuncture Therapy Target Majors :Acupuncture and Massage Science of Meridians and Acupoints is a basic course of backbone course for the five-year` undergraduate students who major in Acupuncture and Massage, and it is the basic theory and core content of clinic of acupuncture and moxibustion and other clinical departments all have extensive significance. According to the clinical application, Science of Meridians expatiates the law and regulation that the human body organs, surface and their relations of others departments. Science of Acupoints has guidance from meridian theory to expatiates the distributions of acupoints location, the role of the clinical application of rules
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