A100-200mg/d B200-400mg/d C400-600mg/d D 2.5-5mg/kg. d E 5-10mg/kg. d 479.拟行电复律,还需进行下列何种检查():(理解,中) A经胸超声 B食管超声 C心电图 D胸部CT E心肌酶谱 480.以下哪项心律失常听诊时心律不规则():(理解,中) A房扑4:1 B房颤伴完全性房室传导阻滞 C PSVT DII度I型AVB EII度II型AVB 481.不宜电复律的是():(记忆,中) A室速伴严重的血流动力学障碍 B急性心梗伴室速 C扩张型心肌病伴室速 D洋地黄中毒伴室速 E心脏手术中出现室速 *482. Clues to the presence of Av node block (as opposed to trifascicular block) would include all the following EXCePt()(理解,难) a inferior Ami b Wenckebach periodicity to conduction C escape focus rate faster than 55bpm d a narrow QRS complex at the escape focus7 A 100-200mg/d B 200-400mg/d C 400-600mg/d D 2.5-5mg/kg.d E 5-10mg/kg.d 479.拟行电复律,还需进行下列何种检查( ):(理解,中) A 经胸超声 B 食管超声 C 心电图 D 胸部 CT E 心肌酶谱 480.以下哪项心律失常听诊时心律不规则( ):(理解,中) A 房扑 4:1 B 房颤伴完全性房室传导阻滞 C PSVT D II 度 I 型 AVB E II 度 II 型 AVB 481.不宜电复律的是( ):(记忆,中) A 室速伴严重的血流动力学障碍 B 急性心梗伴室速 C 扩张型心肌病伴室速 D 洋地黄中毒伴室速 E 心脏手术中出现室速 *482.Clues to the presence of AV node block (as opposed to trifascicular block) would include all the following EXCEPT ( )(理解,难) A inferior AMI B Wenckebach periodicity to conduction C escape focus rate faster than 55bpm D a narrow QRS complex at the escape focus
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