blood vessels and muscles 腹外斜肌腱膜 股外侧皮神经 aponeurosis of obliquus lateral femoral cutaneous n of ant. med femoral region externus abdominis 旋髂浅动、静脉 (sup. layer) ac a and v 腹壁浅动、静脉 femoral n superficial epigast 阔筋膜张朋 Tributaris of greater saphenous v tensor fasciae latae 阴部外静脉 股外侧浅静脉 extermal pudendal Med femoral cutaneous nn 股内侧浅静脉 股神经前皮支 (from obturator n) adductor longus iliotibial tract Mid. femoral cutaneous nn 股薄肌 缝匠肌 salons from femoral n) 闭孔神经皮支 cutaneous branch o 股直肌 obturator n rectus femoris Lat femoral cutaneous nn 股神经内侧皮支 dial cutancous 股外侧肌 vastus lateralis (from lumbar plexus) From medial to lateral 缝匠肌 股内侧肌 vastus medialis Femoral v 隐神经骸下支 nfrapatellar brand Femoral a Femoral n great saphenous v.Tributaris of greater saphenous v. Med .femoral cutaneous nn. (from obturator n.) Mid.femoral cutaneous nn. (from femoral n) Lat.femoral cutaneous nn. (from lumbar plexus) From medial to lateral Femoral v. Femoral a. Femoral n. Blood vessels and muscles of ant.med femoral region (sup.layer)
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