11.3 Functional clustering in phages T7 and T4 F late RNA 55 The map of T4 late RNA 45 th thymidine kinase Is cIrcular de v endonucle ase v 42,43,62,44 iAl, ip. f internal proteins There is DNA polymerase etc e lysozyme 57 tail fiber extensive he ad 1 dNmP kin ase clustering of 3 sheath termin ator 58.61.41 2head completion genes coding DNA pr imase so head completion 65 head completion 5 baseplate plug components of topoisomerase 3 the phage and Ok b 6,7.8.9,10.12 rAn/8 processes such baseplate wedge topoisomerase aS dna wac,13.14.16. plication, but 837.363 head there is also tail fibers 120 dispersion of late RNA 18 sheath, 19tai d tMP synthetase genes coding 20.67,6.21,22,2 for a variety of DNA ligase 30 baseplate5982.51,2626 24. hoc inh he ad enzymatic and other functions baseplate plug Essential genes are indicated by numbers. Nonessential genes are identified by 请第大: I letters. Only some representative T.4 genes are shown on the map.Essential genes are indicated by numbers. Nonessential genes are identified by letters. Only some representative T4 genes are shown on the map. 11.3 Functional clustering in phages T7 and T4 Figure 11.6 The map of T4 is circular. There is extensive clustering of genes coding for components of the phage and processes such as DNA replication, but there is also dispersion of genes coding for a variety of enzymatic and other functions