Classification of Hotel The commercial hotel directs its appeal although most commercial hotels do have some primarily to the individual traveling for permanent guests:虽然大多数商用旅馆确实拥有 business reasons,although most commercial 些常客。d0在这里是加强语气,发强音。 hotels do have some permanent guests. Do be careful while crossing the streets. Commercial hotels now typically rely on 过马路时千万要小心。 executives and engineers and more and more on rely on:depend on,count on依赖,依靠 the individual traveling for pleasure.The past You may not rely on the weather report. few years have even seen a very active 天气预抱不足为信。 commercial hotel campaign for family business. We can't rely on her for help. The commercial hotel guest can expect a room 我们不能指望她的帮助。 with a private bath,a telephone,a radio,and a added在这里是过去分词做形容词,修饰名词,如: television set at no added cost.The hotel will usually have a coffee shop serving popular- popular-priced menus:价格受欢迎的菜单 priced menus and a dining room for those recreation-minded people:有娱乐意识的人们 desiring a more formal atmosphere,featuring feature::v.以.,为特色(常和in连用) the classical cuisine and a high standard of Fish features very largely in the food of these islanders. service.For the guest traveling by automobile, 这些岛民在食物方面的特色是以鱼为主。 parking and garage facilities are available, We're featuring bedroom furniture this week. although possibly not directly under the control 本周我们特别推出卧室家具。 of the hotel n.特征,特色 Impatience in everything is a feature of our age. 凡事急躁是现代人的特征。 88 Classification of Hotel The commercial hotel directs its appeal primarily to the individual traveling for business reasons, although most commercial hotels do have some permanent guests. Commercial hotels now typically rely on executives and engineers and more and more on the individual traveling for pleasure. The past few years have even seen a very active commercialhotel campaignfor family business. The commercial hotel guest can expect a room with a private bath, a telephone, a radio, and a television set at no added cost. The hotel will usually have a coffee shop serving popular￾priced menus and a dining room for those desiring a more formal atmosphere, featuring the classical cuisine and a high standard of service. For the guest traveling by automobile, parking and garage facilities are available, although possibly not directly under the control of the hotel. although most commercial hotels do have some permanent guests:虽然大多数商用旅馆确实拥有 一些常客。do 在这里是加强语气,发强音。 Do be careful while crossing the streets. 过马路时千万要小心。 rely on: depend on, count on 依赖,依靠 You may not rely on the weather report. 天气预抱不足为信。 We can’t rely on her for help. 我们不能指望她的帮助。 added 在这里是过去分词做形容词,修饰名词,如: popular-priced menus:价格受欢迎的菜单 recreation-mindedpeople: 有娱乐意识的人们 feature: v. 以…为特色(常和in连用 ) Fish features very largely in the food of these islanders. 这些岛民在食物方面的特色是以鱼为主。 We’re featuring bedroom furniture this week. 本周我们特别推出卧室家具。 n. 特征,特色 Impatience in everything is a feature of our age. 凡事急躁是现代人的特征
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