2.Fadel Adib.Zachary Kabelac,and Dina Katabi.2015b. 20.Qifan Pu,Sidhant Gupta,Shyamnath Gollakota,and Multi-Person Localization via RF Body Refections.In Shwetak Patel.2013.Whole-home gesture recognition Proc.USENIX NSDI. using wireless signals.In Proc.ACM MobiCom.27-38. 3.Fadel Adib and Dina Katabi.2013.See through walls 21.RG Raj,VC Chen,and R Lipps.2010.Analysis of radar with WiFi!.In Proc.ACM S/GCOMM. human gait signatures.IET Signal Processing 4,3 4.Arijit Banerjee,Dustin Maas,Maurizio Bocca,Neal (2010),234-244. Patwari,and Sneha Kasera.2014.Violating privacy through walls by passive monitoring of radio windows. 22.Shobha Sundar Ram,Craig Christianson,Youngwook In Proc.ACM WiSec. Kim,and Hao Ling.2010.Simulation and analysis of human micro-dopplers in through-wall environments 5.Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin.2011.LIBSVM: IEEE Trans.Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48,4 A library for support vector machines.ACM Trans. 2010),2015-2023. Intelligent Systems and Technology (2011). 6.Mohammad Omar Derawi.2010.Accelerometer-based 23.Souvik Sen.Bozidar Radunovic,Romit Roy Choudhury, gait analysis,a survey.In Norwegian Information and Tom Minka.2012.You are facing the mona lisa: Security Conference. spot localization using phy layer information.In Proc. ACM MobiSys 7.Yariv Ephraim and David Malah.1984.Speech enhancement using a minimum-mean square error 24.Sebastijan Sprager and Damjan Zazula.2009.A short-time spectral amplitude estimator.IEEE Trans. cumulant-based method for gait identification using Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing 32,6(1984). accelerometer data with principal component analysis 1109-1121. and support vector machine.WSEAS Trans.Signal 8.Davrondzhon Gafurov.2007.A survey of biometric gait Processing5,11(2009).369-378. recognition:Approaches,security and challenges.In 25.Dave Tahmoush and Jerry Silvious.2009.Radar Annual Norwegian Computer Science Conference. micro-doppler for long range front-view gait 9.Davrondzhon Gafurov.Kirsi Helkala,and Torkjel recognition.In Proc.IEEE BTAS. Sondrol.2006.Gait recognition using acceleration from 26.David Tse and Pramod Viswanath.2005.Fundamentals MEMS.In IEEE ARES. of wireless communication.Cambridge university press. 10.Jon Gjengset,Jie Xiong.Graeme McPhillips,and Kyle Jamieson.2014.Phaser:Enabling Phased Array Signal 27.P Van Dorp and FCA Groen.2008.Feature-based Processing on Commodity WiFi Access Points.In Proc. human motion parameter estimation with radar./ET ACM MobiCom. Radar,Sonar Navigation 2,2 (2008),135-145. 11.Daniel Halperin,Wenjun Hu,Anmol Sheth,and David 28.Ruben Vera-Rodriguez,John SD Mason,Julian Fierrez, Wetherall.2011.Tool Release:Gathering 802.11n and Javier Ortega-Garcia.2013.Comparative analysis Traces with Channel State Information.ACM and fusion of spatiotemporal information for footstep SIGCOMM CCR41,1(2011),53. recognition.IEEE Trans.Pattern Analysis and Machine 12.Chunmei Han,Kaishun Wu,Yuxi Wang,and Lionel M Intelligence35,4(2013),823-834. Ni.2014.WiFall:Device-free fall detection by wireless 29.Chen Wang,Junping Zhang,Liang Wang,Jian Pu,and networks.In Proc.IEEE INFOCOM. Xiaoru Yuan.2012.Human identification using 13.Donny Huang,Rajalakshmi Nandakumar,and temporal information preserving gait template.IEEE Shyamnath Gollakota.2014.Feasibility and limits of Trans.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34.11 Wi-Fi imaging.In Proc.ACM Sensys. 2012),2164-2176. 14.IEEE.2009.Enhancements for higher throughput.IEEE 30.Guanhua Wang,Yongpan Zou,Zimu Zhou,Kaishun Standard802.11n.(2009). Wu,and Lionel M.Ni.2014.We Can Hear You with 15.Anil K Jain,Patrick Flynn,and Arun A Ross.2007. Wi-Fi!.In Proc.ACM MobiCom. Handbook of biometrics.Springer. 31.Wei Wang,Alex X.Liu,Muhammad Shahzad,Kang 16.Youngwook Kim and Hao Ling.2009.Human activity Ling,and Sanglu Lu.2015.Understanding and classification based on micro-Doppler signatures using a Modeling of WiFi Signal Based Human Activity support vector machine.IEEE Trans.Geoscience and Recognition.In Proc.ACM MobiCom. Remote Sen.simg47,5(2009),1328-1337. 17.Mark S Nixon and John N Carter.2006.Automatic 32.Yan Wang,Jian Liu,Yingying Chen,Marco Gruteser, recognition by gait.Proc.the IEEE 94,11(2006), Jie Yang,and Hongbo Liu.2014.E-eyes:In-home 2013-2024. Device-free Activity Identification Using Fine-grained WiFi Signatures.In Proc.ACM MobiCom. 18.Robert J Orr and Gregory D Abowd.2000.The smart floor:a mechanism for natural user identification and 33.Michael W Whittle.2007.Gait analysis:an tracking.In Proc.ACM CHI. introduction.Butterworth-Heinemann. 19.Abena Primo,Vir V Phoha,Rajesh Kumar,and Abdul Serwadda.2014.Context-Aware Active Authentication 34.Yunze Zeng,Parth H Pathak,and Prasant Mohapatra. Using Smartphone Accelerometer Measurements.In 2016.WiWho:WiFi-based Person Identification in Proc.IEEE CVPRW.98-105. Smart Spaces.In Proc.IEEE/ACM IPSN.2. Fadel Adib, Zachary Kabelac, and Dina Katabi. 2015b. Multi-Person Localization via RF Body Reflections. In Proc. USENIX NSDI. 3. Fadel Adib and Dina Katabi. 2013. See through walls with WiFi!. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM. 4. Arijit Banerjee, Dustin Maas, Maurizio Bocca, Neal Patwari, and Sneha Kasera. 2014. Violating privacy through walls by passive monitoring of radio windows. In Proc. ACM WiSec. 5. Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin. 2011. LIBSVM: A library for support vector machines. ACM Trans. Intelligent Systems and Technology (2011). 6. Mohammad Omar Derawi. 2010. Accelerometer-based gait analysis, a survey. In Norwegian Information Security Conference. 7. Yariv Ephraim and David Malah. 1984. Speech enhancement using a minimum-mean square error short-time spectral amplitude estimator. IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 32, 6 (1984), 1109–1121. 8. Davrondzhon Gafurov. 2007. A survey of biometric gait recognition: Approaches, security and challenges. In Annual Norwegian Computer Science Conference. 9. Davrondzhon Gafurov, Kirsi Helkala, and Torkjel Søndrol. 2006. Gait recognition using acceleration from MEMS. In IEEE ARES. 10. Jon Gjengset, Jie Xiong, Graeme McPhillips, and Kyle Jamieson. 2014. Phaser: Enabling Phased Array Signal Processing on Commodity WiFi Access Points. In Proc. ACM MobiCom. 11. Daniel Halperin, Wenjun Hu, Anmol Sheth, and David Wetherall. 2011. Tool Release: Gathering 802.11n Traces with Channel State Information. ACM SIGCOMM CCR 41, 1 (2011), 53. 12. Chunmei Han, Kaishun Wu, Yuxi Wang, and Lionel M Ni. 2014. WiFall: Device-free fall detection by wireless networks. In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM. 13. Donny Huang, Rajalakshmi Nandakumar, and Shyamnath Gollakota. 2014. Feasibility and limits of Wi-Fi imaging. In Proc. ACM Sensys. 14. IEEE. 2009. Enhancements for higher throughput. IEEE Standard 802.11n. (2009). 15. Anil K Jain, Patrick Flynn, and Arun A Ross. 2007. Handbook of biometrics. Springer. 16. Youngwook Kim and Hao Ling. 2009. Human activity classification based on micro-Doppler signatures using a support vector machine. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47, 5 (2009), 1328–1337. 17. Mark S Nixon and John N Carter. 2006. Automatic recognition by gait. Proc. the IEEE 94, 11 (2006), 2013–2024. 18. Robert J Orr and Gregory D Abowd. 2000. The smart floor: a mechanism for natural user identification and tracking. In Proc. ACM CHI. 19. Abena Primo, Vir V Phoha, Rajesh Kumar, and Abdul Serwadda. 2014. Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Accelerometer Measurements. In Proc. IEEE CVPRW. 98–105. 20. Qifan Pu, Sidhant Gupta, Shyamnath Gollakota, and Shwetak Patel. 2013. Whole-home gesture recognition using wireless signals. In Proc. ACM MobiCom. 27–38. 21. RG Raj, VC Chen, and R Lipps. 2010. Analysis of radar human gait signatures. IET Signal Processing 4, 3 (2010), 234–244. 22. Shobha Sundar Ram, Craig Christianson, Youngwook Kim, and Hao Ling. 2010. Simulation and analysis of human micro-dopplers in through-wall environments. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48, 4 (2010), 2015–2023. 23. Souvik Sen, Božidar Radunovic, Romit Roy Choudhury, and Tom Minka. 2012. You are facing the mona lisa: spot localization using phy layer information. In Proc. ACM MobiSys. 24. Sebastijan Sprager and Damjan Zazula. 2009. A cumulant-based method for gait identification using accelerometer data with principal component analysis and support vector machine. WSEAS Trans. Signal Processing 5, 11 (2009), 369–378. 25. Dave Tahmoush and Jerry Silvious. 2009. Radar micro-doppler for long range front-view gait recognition. In Proc. IEEE BTAS. 26. David Tse and Pramod Viswanath. 2005. Fundamentals of wireless communication. Cambridge university press. 27. P Van Dorp and FCA Groen. 2008. Feature-based human motion parameter estimation with radar. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 2, 2 (2008), 135–145. 28. Ruben Vera-Rodriguez, John SD Mason, Julian Fierrez, and Javier Ortega-Garcia. 2013. Comparative analysis and fusion of spatiotemporal information for footstep recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 35, 4 (2013), 823–834. 29. Chen Wang, Junping Zhang, Liang Wang, Jian Pu, and Xiaoru Yuan. 2012. Human identification using temporal information preserving gait template. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34, 11 (2012), 2164–2176. 30. Guanhua Wang, Yongpan Zou, Zimu Zhou, Kaishun Wu, and Lionel M. Ni. 2014. We Can Hear You with Wi-Fi!. In Proc. ACM MobiCom. 31. Wei Wang, Alex X. Liu, Muhammad Shahzad, Kang Ling, and Sanglu Lu. 2015. Understanding and Modeling of WiFi Signal Based Human Activity Recognition. In Proc. ACM MobiCom. 32. Yan Wang, Jian Liu, Yingying Chen, Marco Gruteser, Jie Yang, and Hongbo Liu. 2014. E-eyes: In-home Device-free Activity Identification Using Fine-grained WiFi Signatures. In Proc. ACM MobiCom. 33. Michael W Whittle. 2007. Gait analysis: an introduction. Butterworth-Heinemann. 34. Yunze Zeng, Parth H Pathak, and Prasant Mohapatra. 2016. WiWho: WiFi-based Person Identification in Smart Spaces. In Proc. IEEE/ACM IPSN