5G at Chengdu √Jan.2019,the5G360°VR fireworks shown“花开高塔最美成都”on the TV tower339(天府熊猫塔),which is hold by China Unicom,China Mobilecom and China Telecom 仑忠移动 8K✉ 5G VR send panda to your side, Chengdu panda base to VR multimedia hall at Gaoshengqiao. VR8直桶339咽花男 成动通过5网格减课生再容票、年 √5 G in education: 圾因的特样,达成与球雨339电视元厅 之德2019之第”电了婚火我相 April 2019,school of Paotongshu primary school gave the online lecture 海山州觉解放多中心 to Jiefang country primary school at 实时离清VR课直 Liangshan prefecture through 5G+VR. 凉新闻回 电子科技大学校友孙伟教授(威爱教育CEO) attps://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1614990087218918516&wfr=spider&for=pe http://www.sohu.com/a/295625429_213785Jan. 2019,the 5G 360° VR fireworks shown“花开高塔·最美成都” on the TV tower 339(天府熊猫塔), which is hold by China Unicom, China Mobilecom and China Telecom http://www.sohu.com/a/295625429_213785 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1614990087218918516&wfr=spider&for=pc 5G VR send panda to your side, Chengdu panda base to VR multimedia hall at Gaoshengqiao. 5G in education: April 2019, school of Paotongshu primary school gave the online lecture to Jiefang country primary school at Liangshan prefecture through 5G+VR . 电子科技大学校友孙伟教授(威爱教育CEO) 5G at Chengdu