计算机网络课后习题指导 陕西师范大学 洋彼岸的链路 oo. d-rtro c.r 美国的一台主机对中国两个不同城市的两台主机进行Traceroute c.在两个traceroute试验中,均是5条链路。这两个traceroute在抵达中国之前已分开, 0.Consider the Figure(b)that there re client-server p s rather than 1.the rates of the server and network link.Assume all other links have abundant capacity and that there is no other traffic in the network besides the traffic generated by the M client-server pairs.Derive a general expression for throughput in terms ofRR,and M. 答:吞肚量Throughput=minRR。R/M。 P21.Consider Figure 1.19(b).Now suppose that there are Mpaths between the server and the client. No two paths share any link.Path(=1....M)consists of Nlinks with transmission ratesR R张. Ry.If the server can only use one path to send data to the client.what is the maximum throughput that the server can achieve?If the server cn use all Mpaths to send data,what is the nachieve? 答:如果只能用一条路径,最大吞吐率为: max(min(R,R,…,R贴),min(R经,R经,…,R肠),…,min(R,R,…,R) 如果使用所有路径,最大吞吐率为:计算机网络课后习题指导 陕西师范大学 12 洋彼岸的链路。 美国的一台主机对中国两个不同城市的两台主机进行 Traceroute c.在两个 traceroute 试验中,均是 5 条链路。这两个 traceroute 在抵达中国之前已分开。 P20. Consider the throughput example corresponding to Figure 1.20(b). Now suppose that there are M client-server pairs rather than 10. Denote Rs, Rc, and R for the rates of the server links, client links, and network link. Assume all other links have abundant capacity and that there is no other traffic in the network besides the traffic generated by the M client-server pairs. Derive a general expression for throughput in terms of Rs, Rc, R, and M. 答:吞吐量 Throughput = min{Rs, Rc, R/M}。 P21. Consider Figure 1.19(b). Now suppose that there are M paths between the server and the client. No two paths share any link. Path k (k = 1, . . ., M ) consists of N links with transmission rates Rk1, R2k, . . ., RNk. If the server can only use one path to send data to the client, what is the maximum throughput that the server can achieve? If the server can use all M paths to send data, what is the maximum throughput that the server can achieve? 答:如果只能用一条路径,最大吞吐率为: max￾￾￾￾(￾￾ ￾ , ￾￾ ￾ , ⋯ , ￾￾ ￾ ), ￾￾￾(￾￾ ￾ , ￾￾ ￾ , ⋯ , ￾￾ ￾ ), ⋯ , ￾￾￾(￾￾ ￾, ￾￾ ￾, ⋯ , ￾￾ ￾ )￾, 如果使用所有路径,最大吞吐率为:
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