文件访间权限的分类: rwxXstugo前三种是基本权限,中间三 种是高级执行权限(在不同系统上会有不同意义),后三种 是用户权限的简便描述 读权限:read(r),读文件内容或列目录中的文件列表 写权限:wite(w),修改文件内容或在目录中创建和删除文件 可执行权限(仅对目录和可执行文件有意义): execute( or access for directories)(x),把文件作为程序执行或访问目录中的文件; 仅对目录有效的可执行权限: execute only if the file is a directory or already has execute permission for some user(X) 执行时设置进程的用户或组标识: set user or group Id on execution(s 对换权限: save the program's text image on the swap device so it will load more quickly when run( (called the" sticky bit").为了快速运行程序而 在对换区中创建程序映像; 所有者的权限: the permissions that the user who owns the file currently has for it(u) 同组用户权限: the permissions that other users in the file's group have for it g) 其他用户权限: the permissions that other users not in the file's group have for it(o)• 文件访问权限的分类:rwxXstugo前三种是基本权限,中间三 种是高级执行权限(在不同系统上会有不同意义),后三种 是用户权限的简便描述; – 读权限:read (r),读文件内容或列目录中的文件列表; – 写权限:write (w),修改文件内容或在目录中创建和删除文件; – 可执行权限(仅对目录和可执行文件有意义):execute (or access for directories) (x),把文件作为程序执行或访问目录中的文件; – 仅对目录有效的可执行权限:execute only if the file is a directory or already has execute permission for some user (X) – 执行时设置进程的用户或组标识:set user or group ID on execution (s) – 对换权限:save the program's text image on the swap device so it will load more quickly when run (called the "sticky bit").为了快速运行程序而 在对换区中创建程序映像; – 所有者的权限:the permissions that the user who owns the file currently has for it (u) – 同组用户权限:the permissions that other users in the file's group have for it (g) – 其他用户权限:the permissions that other users not in the file's group have for it (o)
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