Lesson 7-Mandela's Garden I. Text Analysis Further discussion about the story What did Mandela plant at first? Why did he choose those hardy plants? Where did he get the seeds? Why do you think the authorities were so kind to him? Did he have good harvests at first? Did they improve later? How did Mandela make his garden flourish? Did Mandela do his gardening according to the books? Why or why not? How did he do it then? Did he always succeed? Retell the story in your own words W BTL E The end of further DiscussionLesson 7 - Mandela's Garden What did Mandela plant at first? Why did he choose those hardy plants? Where did he get the seeds? Why do you think the authorities were so kind to him? Did he have good harvests at first? Did they improve later? How did Mandela make his garden flourish? Did Mandela do his gardening according to the books? Why or why not? How did he do it then? Did he always succeed? Retell the story in your own words. I. Text Analysis Further discussion about the story The end of Further Discussion. W B T L E
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