密码的特点1一连续性 aa aa aa,aa aa11 aa139a15 AN UCICG GAIA AICU CICIU UIUIC AIGIC CICIU CIAIUC aaa aa12 a814 (a)Overlapping code.There will be statistical regularities between adjacent amino acid residues.Point mutations (red)will be able to change two amino acid residues aa1 a32 a33 a34 aas aas UCCIGIG A AIAIC U CICIU U UICIA G CICICIU CIAIUC (b)Punctuated code.Deletions of four nucleotides (or multiples thereof)will restore the reading frame aa1 a32 aa4 aas aa6 aa aas UCCIG G AIA A CIU C CIU U UIC A GIC C CIU C AIUC (c)Unpunctuated code.Deletions of three nucleotides (or multiples thereof)will restore the reading frame.This is the actual form of the code密码的特点1—连续性
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