6.adiust y.set right.make suitable or convenient for use very tothe heat of he coury You should adjust your expenditure to your income You can adjust the color on the TV by turning this knob 7.available adj.able to be used,that may be obtained The book you ordered is not available. We have already used upall the available sace e during the summer vacation? The ticket is available on the day of issue only. 8.prove(1)v.show to be true by means of facts,documents,information,etc.;give proof to In order to prove her point.she showed them the latest sales figures. The fingerprints on the gun prove conclusively that she was the murderer The experiment proved success in the end (2)show (oneself or it self)afterwards or in the course oftime or experience,etc.,to be Perhaps the book will prove (to be)useful,after all. On the long journey,he proved a most amusing companion 9.commit (1v.promise to acertain cause,position,opinion,or cause of action He didn't want to commit himself on that matter (2)do sth.wrong or illegally commit a crime/suicide/murder 0.devote v.give up (neon'stime.nergy.)t Mary devoted h ftothe cure of cance He has devoted his life to helping blind people Some pages of the paper were devoted to an account of the election. devoted adi.showing great fondness or loyalty He is very devoted to his wife /music. friend Topics for: 1.Which do you prefer,the campus in the urban area or in the suburban area? 2 Please do some research concerning western campus life. 3 What are mass communication media? 4.Describe your favorite ne wspaper(m program)in detail6. adjust v. set right, make suitable or convenient for use He adjusted very quickly to the heat of the country. You should adjust your expenditure to your income. You can adjust the color on the TV by turning this knob. 7. available adj. able to be used; that may be obtained The book you ordered is not available. We have already used up all the available space. Is the library available during the summer vacation? The ticket is available on the day of issue only. 8. prove (1) v. show to be true by means of facts, documents, information, etc.; give proof to In order to prove her point, she showed them the latest sales figures. The fingerprints on the gun prove conclusively that she was the murderer. The experiment proved a success in the end. (2) show (oneself or it self) afterwards or in the course of time or experience, etc., to be Perhaps the book will prove (to be) useful, after all. On the long journey, he proved a most amusing companion. 9. commit (1) v. promise to a certain cause, position, opinion, or cause of action He has committed himself to support his brother’s children. The government has committed itself to improving / improve health education. He didn’t want to commit himself on that matter. (2) do sth. wrong or illegally commit a crime/ suicide/ murder 10. devote v. give up (oneself, one’s time, energy, etc.) to Mary devoted herself to the cure of cancer. He has devoted his life to helping blind people. Some pages of the paper were devoted to an account of the election. devoted adj. showing great fondness or loyalty He is very devoted to his wife /music. a devoted father / friend II. Topics for discussion or writing: 1. Which do you prefer, the campus in the urban area or in the suburban area? 2. Please do some research concerning western campus life. 3. What are mass communication media? 4. Describe your favorite newspaper (magazine, or TV program) in detail
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