白城师范学院生物系 日细胞 4B00-10800 D发育时间 图58 nucleated cells LS寿命 Nucleus mult- 3000-7000 D:6-9d Ls:6hurt。a bacteria 嗜中性粒细胞 lobed; inconspicua oUS Ct Nudeus bilobed 00-400 D69d5 Kill parasitic worms: red cytoplasmic LS: 8-12 days destroy antigen 嗜酸性粒细胞 ganules; diameter antibody complexes 0-14m nflammatory Nudeus lobed 20-50 D:3-7 嗜碱性粒细胞 large blue-purple Ls?(a few hour and。 ther mediators cytoplasmic gra to a few days) of inmfammadio contain heparin, ar 淋巴细胞 Nucleus spherical 1500-3000 Mount immune ed: pa LS: hours to years direct blue cytoplasm; ell attack or vi bodies Nucleus U. or kid. 100-700 D:2-3啊 Phagocytosis 单核细胞 ney-shapec ray S: months develop into macro- blue cytoplasm: hages in tissues diameter 14-24 um Discoid cyto 250000-500000 Seal small tears in 5-10d blood vessel: instru 血小板 mental in blood ules, stain Ner diameter白城师范学院生物系 图 5 - 8
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