Passage of Particles through Matter uon Cu (b)Lead (Z=82) a-experimental Giot I Mb Bethe-Bloch Radiative Anderson- Ziegler 10 Radiative Radiative Minimum effects losses Nuclear ionization reach 1% losses Vithoutδ 10b 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 104 105 106 10eV I keV 1 MeV 1 GeV 100GeV Y Photon Energy TTTTTTT Positrons 0.20 Lead (Z=82) Electrons Photon cross section 1.0 Bremsstrahlung 的 158 一四 0.10 charged particles (other Ionization 0.5 Moller (e) than electrons)energy lose Bhabha (e+) 0.05 Positron annihilation 10 100 1000 electrons energy lose E (MeV) 2023/6/28 Talk for EM group 伍健 102023/6/28 Talk for EM group 伍健 10 Passage of Particles through Matter charged particles (other than electrons) energy lose electrons energy lose Photon cross section