Sample UP Artifact Relationships Dom Business eling Use-Case model Supplementary Glossary constraints and non-functional requirements aptured in the Supp Spe Design Model package diagrams of the logical (a static view) Domain Services Register Productcatalog Desian ia ontime weyms enterltem ltemlD, quantity Productcatalog class diagrams makeNewsaleo getProductspec(.): Register enterItem (itemID, quantity) : ProductCatalog spec = getProductSpec( itemID ) Require￾ments Business Modeling Design Sample UP Artifact Relationships Vision Glossary The logical architecture is influenced by the constraints and non-functional requirements captured in the Supp. Spec. Domain Model * * Supplementary Specification Use-Case Model Register ... makeNewSale() enterItem(...) ... ProductCatalog ... getProductSpec(...) ... class diagrams 1 1 (a static view) interaction diagrams (a dynamic view) UI package diagrams of the logical architecture (a static view) Domain Tech Services Design Model
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