1070 Journal of the American Ceramic Society--Bao and Nicholson Vol. 90. No. 4 PA R Boccaccini and C B. Ponton, "Processing Ceramic-Matrix Composites us Kooner, w.S. Westby. C. M. A. Watson, and P. M. Farries, "Processing ng Electrophoretic Deposition, "Jomk-/. Min. Met. Mater. Soc., 47[10] 34-7 Nextel"720/Mullite Composition Composite Using Electrophoretic Depositie Kaya, F. Kaya. A.R. Boccaccini, and K.K. Chawla, ""Fabrication and w.S. Westby, S. Kooner, P. M. Farries, P. Boother, and R. A Shatwell, Characterisation Coated Carbon Fibre- Reinforced Alumina Ceramic mat Processing of Nextel 720/Mullite C ix Composites Using Electrophoretic Deposition, Acta Mater. 49[7 1189-97 and FH. e Reinforced Composites, U. Kaya, A.R. Boccaccini, and K. K. Chawla, "Electrophoretic 683.58. General Atomics, San Diego. CA. 199 orming of nickel coated Carbon Fiber -Rein forced borosilicate C Kaya, E. G. Butler, A Selcuk, A. R Boccaccini, and M. H. Lewis. ""Mullite Composites, J. Am. Ceram. 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