74④Y.5.MALK ET AL be considered as the ideal therapeutic option for altogether would pave ways for designing effective 2019n0 (Coher 2020 Further ev luation prevention and control measures to counte fore connrming th ne emcacy of such con 2019-nCoV ainst co ruses are being explored and vet to be evaluated in 7.Conclusion and future prospects terms of their potency,efficacy and safety,but hope- The nCov is the most recently emerging virus after fully the process of evaluation will be accelerated in the episodes and par s haunted by Ebola,Zik 2020;Lu 2020;Pillaiyar uses, Bird 6.Prevention and control measures loba vithi a shor of ti prigin from Wuban.Hubei i nro ince of China in the Seeing the possible of animals in 2019-nCol first week of December 2019,it has claimed 425 lives infecti HO in its adv e for pub in China and infected 20630 in 24 countries includ ng China.Additionally,new cases are emerging ir countries anc three confirmed cases fror eme vide chances to animal CoVs to get transmitted to on or this pap humans and these markets may act as critical places for the nov pathogens and pose rted for the first time outside China The higl risis has heen declared as'public Heatth Em of International Concern'by wHO.The zoonoti oute (animal-to-human)is suspected as the route of and animal health sectors.Other effective measures disease origin.Bats are considered as the natural res One health approach, hosts and role include in transmitting implementation ngE P evention cont stra 》 s in rking SARS-CO nid and nhancina dis ruses has been found in the circulatin ease surveillance and monitoring implementation of bats of Westem Europe(Gouilh et al.2018).The ge strict biosecurity measures,and etic analyses predict bats as the most probable ori timely efforts toward opriate and ain of 2019-nCoV.The diversity of Covs in the bat designing appr vaccines populatio needs further inve stigation in details erape 202 2017 as the monitorin ba taL.20171 event future In the present scenario of not having any direct acting anti-viral agent and vaccines,strict implemen s the tation of high vigilance for 2019-nCoV and appropri and possible threat of spillove Successful virus isolation attemnts have made doo ate prevent asures f utmo open for developing better diagnostics and effective of this vaccines.A report emerged from China where the Authorities (WHO.CDC Atlanta and others)acros cientists claime isolation of the 2019 the alobe are working to combat the current nCoV virus in Ve nd Hu e ongoing 2019-nCoV outbreaks,identifying the pos ub sible origin of this novel virus,and to design Tha 20 2020 Institute for Infection and Immunity at Melbourn virs in do Australia,were also successful in growing the Wuhan and immunoloay adantive genetic changes muta coronavirus in cell culture.Further research is war tions and recombination events,elucidating clinical ranted on establishing animal models for the curren pathology and pathogenesis,identifying the route of 2019-nCoV unrevealing viral events of replication origin, role of any mixing vessels (like birds,pigs missio and pa esis in h and man pro or discovering effec therabe considered as the ideal therapeutic option for 2019-nCoV (Cohen 2020). Further evaluation is required before confirming the efficacy of such com￾bination therapy. A variety of different therapeutic and vaccine designing approaches against coronavi￾ruses are being explored and yet to be evaluated in terms of their potency, efficacy and safety, but hope￾fully the process of evaluation will be accelerated in the coming days (Cyranoski 2020; Lu 2020; Pillaiyar et al. 2020; Zaher et al. 2020). 6. Prevention and control measures Seeing the possible role of animals in 2019-nCoV infection, WHO in its advice for public recommended to avoid the unprotected contact with both farm and wild animals (World Health Organization 2020a). The live-animal markets such as in China could pro￾vide chances to animal CoVs to get transmitted to humans and these markets may act as critical places for the origin of novel zoonotic pathogens and pose high public health risks during an outbreak. The emergency pathogens could be counteracted by opting immediate and timely international collab￾orative efforts, cooperative efforts between human and animal health sectors. Other effective measures include One health approach, implementation of effective prevention and control strategies, rapid communication and networking, and exploring advances in science and technology for developing rapid and confirmatory diagnostics, enhancing dis￾ease surveillance and monitoring, implementation of strict biosecurity measures, and timely efforts toward designing appropriate and effective vaccines and therapeutics (Cheng et al. 2020; Cohen 2020; Cyranoski 2020; Lu 2020; Munjal et al. 2017; Singh et al. 2017). In the present scenario of not having any direct acting anti-viral agent and vaccines, strict implemen￾tation of high vigilance for 2019-nCoV and appropri￾ate prevention and control measures are of utmost importance to check the further spread and control of this virus (Cheng et al. 2020). Researchers and Authorities (WHO, CDC Atlanta and others) across the globe are working to combat the current ongoing 2019-nCoV outbreaks, identifying the pos￾sible origin of this novel virus, and to design and develop effective vaccines and therapeutics (Cohen 2020, Cyranoski 2020, Lu 2020, Mahase 2020). Studying the virus in details, its molecular biology and immunology, adaptive genetic changes, muta￾tions and recombination events, elucidating clinical pathology and pathogenesis, identifying the route of origin, role of any mixing vessels (like birds, pigs, and mammals), jumping the species barrier, zoonotic potential, human-to-human transmission events, altogether would pave ways for designing effective prevention and control measures to counter 2019-nCoV 7. Conclusion and future prospects The nCoV is the most recently emerging virus after the past episodes and panics haunted by Ebola, Zika and Nipah viruses, as well as earlier emergencies posed by Bird flu and Swine flu viruses. The emerg￾ing novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has become a global concern within a short span of time. Since its origin from Wuhan, Hubei province of China in the first week of December 2019, it has claimed 425 lives in China and infected 20630 in 24 countries includ￾ing China. Additionally, new cases are emerging in different countries and three confirmed cases from India also emerged till compilation of this paper, February 4th, 2020. As of now deaths were reported only from China but now causality in Philippines reported for the first time outside China. The nCoV crisis has been declared as ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ by WHO. The zoonotic route (animal-to-human) is suspected as the route of disease origin. Bats are considered as the natural res￾ervoir hosts and play a crucial role in transmitting various viruses, including Ebola, Nipah, Coronavirus and others (Cui et al. 2019). A high diversity among zoonotic Alphacoronaviruses and SARS-CoV-related Betacoronaviruses has been found in the circulating bats of Western Europe (Gouilh et al. 2018). The gen￾etic analyses predict bats as the most probable ori￾gin of 2019-nCoV. The diversity of CoVs in the bat population needs further investigation in details, as well as the surveillance and monitoring of bats becomes critical to prevent future outbreaks in ani￾mals and the public. The recent nCoV outbreak high￾lights the hidden wild animal reservoir of the deadly viruses and possible threat of spillover zoonoses. Successful virus isolation attempts have made doors open for developing better diagnostics and effective vaccines. A report emerged from China where the scientists claimed successful isolation of the 2019- nCoV virus in Vero and Huh7 cell lines from infected patients. Subsequently, in aiding the further research for designing rapid diagnostics and vaccine develop￾ment for nCoV, scientists at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity at Melbourne, Australia, were also successful in growing the Wuhan coronavirus in cell culture. Further research is war￾ranted on establishing animal models for the current 2019-nCoV unrevealing viral events of replication, transmission, and pathogenesis in humans. This could provide clues for discovering effective thera￾peutic regimens and vaccine testing purposes 74 Y. S. MALIK ET AL
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