Complement:Classical Pathway 179 Complement deficiency and disease The phylo ey T ,12-30 compl 8.London:Kluwer ent.Ox systen d: Further Reading BPand Gasque P(19)Expre nt in the brain ielens NM. and d ank MM (eds) Systemn Healh and Disease.New York M.Dekker. Advances in Immi ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/e 2001 Nature Publishing Group /www.els.net 9 Dodds AW, Ren XD, Willis ACand Law SKA (1996) The reaction mechanism of the internal thioester in the human complement component C4. Nature 379: 177–179. Morgan BP and Walport MJ (1991) Complement deficiency and disease. Immunology Today 12: 301–306. Strang CJ, Siegel RC, Phillips ML, Poon PH and Schumaker VN (1982) Ultrastructure of the first component of human complement: electron microscopy of the crosslinked complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 79: 586–590. Turner MW (1996) Mannose-binding lectin: the pluripotent molecule of the innate immune system. Immunology Today 17: 532–540. Further Reading Arlaud GJ, Volanakis JE, Thielens NM, Narayana SVL, Rossi V and Xu Y (1998) The atypical serine proteases of the complement system. Advances in Immunology 69: 249–307. Bork P, Downing AK, Kieffer B and Campbell ID (1996) Structure and distribution of modules in extracellular proteins. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 29: 119–167. Dodds AW and Day AJ (1993) The phylogeny and evolution of the complement system. In: Whaley K, Loos M and Weiler JM (eds) Complement in Health and Disease, pp. 39–88. London: Kluwer Academic. Frank MM and Fries LF (1991) The role of complement in inflammation and phagocytosis. Immunology Today 12: 322–326. Law SKA and Reid KBM (1995) Complement. Oxford: IRL Press. Liszewski MK, Farries TC, Lublin DM, Rooney IA and Atkinson JP (1996) Control of the complement system. Advances in Immunology 61: 201–283. Morgan BP and Gasque P (1996) Expression of complement in the brain: role in health and disease. Immunology Today 17: 461–466. Volanakis JE and Frank MM (eds) (1998) The Human Complement System in Health and Disease. New York: M. Dekker. Complement: Classical Pathway ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / www.els.net 9
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