抗体与抗原结合的直接效应-中和作用 分泌型IgA中和病原体及其毒素 Polymeric IgA is transported into the gut lumen through epithelial Polymeric IgA binds to the mucus IgA in the gut neutralizes cells at the base of the crypts layer overlying the gut epithelium pathogens and their toxins IgA转运至肠腔 存在于粘液层中 中和病原体及其毒素 返回 分泌型IgA中和病原体及其毒素 IgA转运至肠腔 存在于粘液层中 中和病原体及其毒素 抗体与抗原结合的直接效应-中和作用 Polymeric IgA is transported into the gut lumen through epithelial cells at the base of the crypts Polymeric IgA binds to the mucus layer overlying the gut epithelium IgA in the gut neutralizes pathogens and their toxins
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