1559T_ch01_01-1710/22/051:48Pa9e1 ⊕ EQA 1 Structure and Bonding in Organic Molecules s associated with the bondins ms to mak have some familiarity from freshman chemistry.In other words it describes just those topics from freshm lems read the comments below,and,if necessary.look supplementary sources for additionl pro lem Outline of the Chapter 1-1 Overview 1-2 Coulomb Forces The simple physical basis of bonding between atoms.Conceptually important. 1-4 Lewis Structures mostcritica cion of the chaper.You musteam howodr cort Lewisstructur 1-5 Resonance Forms Applies to species for which no single Lewis picture adequately describes the true structure 1-6 Atomic Orbitals Review material. 17oechrotias 1-8 Hybrid Orbitals rstand the geometry of molecules in the contet of the atomic orbitals involved 19 1 Structure and Bonding in Organic Molecules The first chapter of the text covers the basic features associated with the bonding together of atoms to make molecules. Much of the material (at least through Section 1-8) is really a review of topics with which you may have some familiarity from freshman chemistry. In other words, it describes just those topics from freshman chemistry that are the most important to know in order to get off to a good start in organic chemistry: bonds, Lewis structures, resonance, atomic and molecular orbitals, and hybrid orbitals. Read the chapter, try the prob￾lems, read the comments below, and, if necessary, look to other supplementary sources for additional problems and examples. For instance, Pushing Electrons: A Guide for Students of Organic Chemistry by D. Weeks (Saunders, 1997) contains extensive coverage of Lewis structures and resonance. Outline of the Chapter 1-1 Overview 1-2 Coulomb Forces The simple physical basis of bonding between atoms. Conceptually important. 1-3 Ionic and Covalent Bonds Review of principles involved. 1-4 Lewis Structures Perhaps the most critical section of the chapter. You must learn how to draw correct Lewis structures of molecules. 1-5 Resonance Forms Applies to species for which no single Lewis picture adequately describes the true structure. 1-6 Atomic Orbitals Review material. 1-7 Molecular Orbitals Review material. 1-8 Hybrid Orbitals Simplest way to understand the geometry of molecules in the context of the atomic orbitals involved in bonding. 1-9 Structures and Formulas of Organic Molecules General information section. Conventions for drawing formulas. 1 1559T_ch01_01-17 10/22/05 1:48 Page 1
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