We can now not only choose our marriage partner, we also can divorce that partr at will, 1 children to our own adult worship of happiness, and 2 the other parent any regular 3 with their children. We can even, if we want, the term" family to include people who are not related to us either by blood or arrage a set of close friends who support one another, like the women mentioned above the faithful dog if you like. Family is 6 we want it to be The trouble ch an elastic classification ignores the problem of children an the wider problem of caring for others. If marriage exists only as a romantic relationship that can be ended 7, and family exists only by8 of bonds of affection, both marriage and family come second to the search for love. Under this scheme, individuals attempt to march towards maximum happiness as they move through a procession of satisfying romantic relationships. Children, relatives and the ties of 10 obligation and care are left behind, with no place to go 1.A).subject B)object C) confine 2. A). avoid B).d C) limit 3. A)contract B).contrast C).contact D).context 4.A)transmit B).translate C). interrupt D)interpret 5. A).throw down B). throw away C). throw off 6. A). what B).thing C). whatever D something 7. A). at once C). at will D). at length 8A).Ⅴ Irtue B).means C) way 9. A). more than B). less than C). more and more D). more or less 10. A). neutral C).mature D). natural (4--1B)We can now not only choose our marriage partner, we also can divorce that partner at will, 1 children to our own adult worship of happiness, and 2 the other parent any regular 3 with their children. We can even, if we want, 4 the term “ family ” to include people who are not related to us either by blood or marriage --- a set of close friends who support one another, like the women I mentioned above. 5 the faithful dog if you like. Family is 6 we want it to be. The trouble is, such an elastic classification ignores the problem of children and the wider problem of caring for others. If marriage exists only as a romantic relationship that can be ended 7 , and family exists only by 8 of bonds of affection, both marriage and family come second to the search for love. Under this scheme, individuals attempt to march towards maximum happiness as they move through a procession of 9 satisfying romantic relationships. Children, relatives, and the ties of 10 obligation and care are left behind, with no place to go. 1.A). subject B). object C). confine D). define 2. A). avoid B). deny C). limit D). reject 3. A). contract B). contrast C). contact D). context 4. A). transmit B). translate C). interrupt D). interpret 5. A). throw down B). throw away C). throw off D). throw in 6. A). what B). thing C). whatever D). something 7. A). at once B). at large C). at will D). at length 8. A). virtue B). means C). way D). terms 9. A). more than B). less than C). more and more D). more or less 10. A). neutral B). mutual C). mature D). natural ( 4---1B)