Generalized Unions of Sets US s{x|3T∈S.x∈T} U5(i) d UfS(i)Iiel iel 050些 U s(i) i=m ie[m,n Here S is a set of sets.S(i)is a set whose definition depends on i. For instance,we may have S(i)={x|x>i+3} Given i=1,2,...,n,we know the corresponding S(i). 6/40 Generalized Unions of Sets S S def = {x | ∃T ∈ S. x ∈ T} S i∈I S(i) def = S {S(i) | i ∈ I } Sn i=m S(i) def = S i∈[m,n] S(i) Here S is a set of sets. S(i) is a set whose definition depends on i. For instance, we may have S(i) = {x | x > i + 3} Given i = 1, 2, . . . , n, we know the corresponding S(i). 6 / 40
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