236 AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION opmentalists of ECLA,UNCTAD,BID,etc.,do 5.Consejo Interamericano Economico Social (CIES) not appear to permit destruction of these terrible O.A.S.,Interamerican Economic and Social Coun- chains imposed by dependent development.We cil,External Financing for Development in L.A. have examined the alternative forms of develop- EI Financiamiento Externo para el Desarrollo de ment presented for Latin America and the depen- America Latina (Pan-American Union,Washing- dent countries under such conditions elsewhere ton,1969). 6.THEOTONIO Dos SANTOS,El nuevo cardcter de la [8].Everything now indicates that what can be dependencia,CESO (Santiago de Chile,1968). expected is a long process of sharp political and 7. -La crisis de la teoria del desarrollo y las military confrontations and of profound social relaciones de dependencia en America Latina, radicalization which will lead these countries to a Boletin del CESO,3 (Santiago,Chile,1968). dilemma:governments of force which open the 8. La dependencia economica y las alterna- way to facism,or popular revolutionary govern- tivas de cambio en America Latina,Ponencia al ments,which open the way to socialism.Intermedi- IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociologia (Me- ate solutions have proved to be,in such a contra- xico,Nov.,1969). dictory reality,empty and utopian. 9.A.EMMANUEL,L'Echange Inegal (Maspero,Paris, 1969). 10.ANDRE G.FRANK,Development and Underde- REFERENCES velopment in Latin America (Monthly Review 1.PAUL BARAN,Political Economy of Growth Pres8,1968). (Monthly Review Press,1967). 11.I.V.LEvIN,The Export Economies (Harvard 2.THOMAS BALOGE,Unegual Partners (Basil Black- Univ.Press,1964). well,1963). 12.GUNNAR MyRDAL,Asian Drama (Pantheon,1968). 3.PABLO GONZALEZ CASANOVA,Sociologia de la ex- 13.K.NKRUMAH,Neocolonialismo,tiltima etapa del plotacion,Siglo XXI (Mexico,1969). imperialismo,Siglo XXI (Mexico,1966). 4.CEPAL,La CEPAL y el Andlisis del Desarrollo 14.CRISTIAN PALLOIX,Problemes de la Croissance Latinoamericano (1968,Santiago,Chile). en Economie Ouverte (Maspero,Paris,1969). Copyright _2001 All Rights Reserved
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