★ Laboratory Diagnosis ● Serum T3,T4,FT3,FT4 ● Sensitive TSH assay o Serum TRAb O Test of TRH irritation o Radioactive iodine uotake: Normal: 3h 5-25%, 24h 20-45%, peak at 24h o Thyroid scan: 131I, 99mTc 大学附属中出医院复旦大学附属中山医院 Laboratory Diagnosis =Serum T3, T4, FT3, FT4 =Sensitive TSH assay =Serum TRAb =Test of TRH irritation =Radioactive iodine uotake: Normal: 3h 5-25%, 24h 20-45%, peak at 24h =Thyroid scan: 131I, 99mTc