Y Liu et al. Materials Science and Engineering A 466(2007)172-177 oxidized for 600 min is higher than that of Sic/B/SiC coated Referen composites only oxidized for 120 min (4) The SiC/B/SiC coating could provide better oxidation pro- [1 R. Naslain, A Guette, F. Rebillat, et al., J. Solid State Chem. 177(2004) tection for C/SiC composite than SiC/SiC/SiC coating between 700oC and 1000oC for 600 min due to the crack [2]S Schmidt, S. Beyer, H. Knabe, et al., Acta Astronaut. 55(2004)409-420 [3 W. Krenkel, B. Heidenreich, R Renz, Adv Eng Mater. 4(2002)427-436 self-healing by B2O or B2O3xSioz liquid. But above [4] J.R. Strife. I.E. Sheehan, Ceram. Bull. 67(1988)369-374 1000C, the protection effect of the SiC/B/SiC coating for [5] L.F. Cheng. Y.D. Xu, L.T. Zhang, et al,J Mater. Sci. 37(2002)5339-5344 tion of B2O3 or B2O3-xSiO2 liquid The protection effect of m- yashi, K Maeda, H. Sano, Y. Uchiyama, Carbon 33(1995) C/SiC composite decrease due to the extensive volatilize- the SiC/B/SiC coating for C/SiC composite is worse than [7 L.F. Cheng, Y.D. Xu, L.T. Zhang, et al, Carbon 39(2001)1127-1133 [8 H.T. Tsou, w. Kowbel, Carbon 33(1995)1289-1292 that of Sic/Sic/Sic coating above 1000oc [9]J. Schulte-Fischedick, J. Schmidt, R. Tamme, et al., Mater. Sci. Eng. A 386 (2004)428-434. [10] C. Isola, P. Appendino, F. Bosco, et al, Carbon 36(1998)1213-1218. [11 R. Naslain, Ceram. Trans. 58(1995)23-39 he authors would thank to the support of the Key Foundation [12] R. Naslain, Compos. Part A: Appls 29A(1998)1145-1155 tional Science in China(90405015), National Elitist Youth [13] E Lamouroux, SBertrand,R. Pailler,et al,Compos. Sci.Technol (1999)1073-1085 Foundation in China(50425208)and the Doctorate Foundation [14]R. Naslain, Compos. Sci. Technol. 64(2004)155-170 of Northwestern Polytechnical University(CX200505) [15 T.. Rocket, W.R. Foster, J. Am. Ceram Soc. 48(1965)78-85.Y. Liu et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 466 (2007) 172–177 177 oxidized for 600 min is higher than that of SiC/B/SiC coated composites only oxidized for 120 min. (4) The SiC/B/SiC coating could provide better oxidation pro￾tection for C/SiC composite than SiC/SiC/SiC coating between 700 ◦C and 1000 ◦C for 600 min due to the crack self-healing by B2O3 or B2O3·xSiO2 liquid. But above 1000 ◦C, the protection effect of the SiC/B/SiC coating for C/SiC composite decrease due to the extensive volatiliza￾tion of B2O3 or B2O3·xSiO2 liquid. The protection effect of the SiC/B/SiC coating for C/SiC composite is worse than that of SiC/SiC/SiC coating above 1000 ◦C. Acknowledgments The authors would thank to the support of the Key Foundation of National Science in China (90405015), National Elitist Youth Foundation in China (50425208) and the Doctorate Foundation of Northwestern Polytechnical University (CX200505). References [1] R. Naslain, A. Guette, F. Rebillat, et al., J. Solid State Chem. 177 (2004) 449–456. [2] S. Schmidt, S. Beyer, H. Knabe, et al., Acta Astronaut. 55 (2004) 409–420. [3] W. Krenkel, B. Heidenreich, R. Renz, Adv. Eng. Mater. 4 (2002) 427–436. [4] J.R. Strife, J.E. Sheehan, Ceram. Bull. 67 (1988) 369–374. [5] L.F. Cheng, Y.D. Xu, L.T. Zhang, et al., J. Mater. Sci. 37 (2002) 5339–5344. [6] K. Kobayashi, K. Maeda, H. Sano, Y. Uchiyama, Carbon 33 (1995) 397–403. [7] L.F. Cheng, Y.D. Xu, L.T. Zhang, et al., Carbon 39 (2001) 1127–1133. [8] H.T. Tsou, W. Kowbel, Carbon 33 (1995) 1289–1292. [9] J. Schulte-Fischedick, J. Schmidt, R. Tamme, et al., Mater. Sci. Eng. A 386 (2004) 428–434. [10] C. Isola, P. Appendino, F. Bosco, et al., Carbon 36 (1998) 1213–1218. [11] R. Naslain, Ceram. Trans. 58 (1995) 23–39. [12] R. Naslain, Compos. Part A: Appls. 29A (1998) 1145–1155. [13] F. Lamouroux, S. Bertrand, R. Pailler, et al., Compos. Sci. Technol. 59 (1999) 1073–1085. [14] R. Naslain, Compos. Sci. Technol. 64 (2004) 155–170. [15] T.J. Rocket, W.R. Foster, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 48 (1965) 78–85
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