This number is taken as a measure of Location Degree Days the severity of the winter but it does not consider wind or sunshine or Barrow. Alaska 19,990 several other weather factors. It is only Fairbanks. Alaska 14160 a measure of the average outside air Park Rapids, Minnesota 9.50 temperature Portland Maine 7,680 Madison. Wisconsin 7,300 The right table lists the heating season Chicago, Illinois 6,310 degree days for a number of locations Reno, Nevada 6040 in the United States Denver, Colorado 5.670 eg: a) Calculate the number of New York. New York 050 degree days accumulated in one da Newark, New Jersey 4.810 in which the average outside Washington, D. c 430 San francisco, California 3.070 temperature is 17F.(48 degree days) Birmingham, Alabama 2,780 b) Calculate the number of degree Los Angeles, California 2,020 days accumulated during a 150-day Tucson. arizona 1,780 heating season in which the average Miami Florida 170 outside temperature is 17F (7200 degree days) 复旦大学环境科学与工程系 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan UniversityThis number is taken as a measure of the severity of the winter, but it does not consider wind or sunshine or several other weather factors. It is only a measure of the average outside air temperature. The right table lists the heating season degree days for a number of locations in the United States. eg: a). Calculate the number of degree days accumulated in one day in which the average outside temperature is 17 ̊F. (48 degree days) b) Calculate the number of degree days accumulated during a 150-day heating season in which the average outside temperature is 17 ̊F. (7200 degree days)
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