More Details On X-ray Tubes electrons are boiled off filament accelerated through a high vacuum from the cathode to the anode electrons strike the anode,a tungsten target,and create X-rays X-rays are emitted in all directions though only a cone is used 99%of the electric energy is dissipated a heat into the anode.Typically less than 1%of the energy is converted into useful X-rays. .X-rays that are diverted into the target are absorbed and contribute to the production of heat.More Details On X- ray Tubes •electrons are boiled off filament •accelerated through a high vacuum from the cathode to the anode •electrons strike the anode, a tungsten target, and create X- rays •X- rays are emitted in all directions though only a cone is used •99% of the electric energy is dissipated a heat into the anode. Typically less than 1% of the energy is converted into useful X- rays. •X- rays that are diverted into the target are absorbed and contribute to the production of heat
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