工程科学学报 Chinese Journal of Engineering 苎麻纤维增强聚乳酸复合材料性能研究 展江湖王迎宵杨志浩李姣林军王桂龙管延锦 Effect of fiber content on the properties of ramie fiber reinforced poly(lactic acid)composites ZHAN Jiang-hu,WANG Ying-xiao,YANG Zhi-hao,LI Jiao,LIN Jun,WANG Gui-long.GUAN Yan-jin 引用本文: 展江湖,王迎宵,杨志浩,李姣,林军,王桂龙,管延锦.苎麻纤维增强聚乳酸复合材料性能研究.工程科学学报,2021, 43(7):952-959.doi:10.13374.issn2095-9389.2021.03.02.002 ZHAN Jiang-hu,WANG Ying-xiao,YANG Zhi-hao,LI Jiao,LIN Jun,WANG Gui-long.GUAN Yan-jin.Effect of fiber content on the properties of ramie fiber reinforced poly (lactic acid)composites [J].Chinese Journal of Engineering,2021,43(7):952-959.doi: 10.13374-issn2095-9389.2021.03.02.002 在线阅读View online:https::/doi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2021.03.02.002 您可能感兴趣的其他文章 Articles you may be interested in 石墨烯含量对石墨烯/l-15Si-4Cu-Mg复合材料微观组织和力学性能的影响 Effect of graphene content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene-reinforced Al-15Si-4Cu-Mg matrix composites 工程科学学报.2019,41(9%:1162 https:doi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.09.007 组织形态对718塑料模具钢切削性能的影响 Machinability analysis of microstructures in pre-hardening plastic mold steel 718 工程科学学报.2020.42(10):1343 https:/1doi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.11.06.001 聚丙烯纤维加筋固化尾砂强度及变形特性 Strength and deformation properties of polypropylene fiber-reinforced cemented tailings backfill 工程科学学报.2019,41(12:1618 https::/doi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2018.12.14.002 粉煤灰改性高水材料力学性能试验研究及机理分析 Experimental study and analysis of the mechanical properties of high-water-content materials modified with fly ash 工程科学学报.2018,40(10:1187htps:1doi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2018.10.005 GC15轴承钢表面渗硼层生长动力学与机械性能 Kinetics and mechanical properties of borided GCr15 bearing steel 工程科学学报.2018.409%:1108 https:/doi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2018.09.012 固溶时效工艺对6016铝合金力学性能的影响及多目标优化 Effect of solution and aging processes on the mechanical properties of 6016 aluminum alloy and multi-objective optimization 工程科学学报.2017,39(1:75 https:/1doi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2017.01.010苎麻纤维增强聚乳酸复合材料性能研究 展江湖 王迎宵 杨志浩 李姣 林军 王桂龙 管延锦 Effect of fiber content on the properties of ramie fiber reinforced poly (lactic acid) composites ZHAN Jiang-hu, WANG Ying-xiao, YANG Zhi-hao, LI Jiao, LIN Jun, WANG Gui-long, GUAN Yan-jin 引用本文: 展江湖, 王迎宵, 杨志浩, 李姣, 林军, 王桂龙, 管延锦. 苎麻纤维增强聚乳酸复合材料性能研究[J]. 工程科学学报, 2021, 43(7): 952-959. doi: 10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2021.03.02.002 ZHAN Jiang-hu, WANG Ying-xiao, YANG Zhi-hao, LI Jiao, LIN Jun, WANG Gui-long, GUAN Yan-jin. Effect of fiber content on the properties of ramie fiber reinforced poly (lactic acid) composites [J]. Chinese Journal of Engineering, 2021, 43(7): 952-959. doi: 10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2021.03.02.002 在线阅读 View online: https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2021.03.02.002 您可能感兴趣的其他文章 Articles you may be interested in 石墨烯含量对石墨烯/Al-15Si-4Cu-Mg复合材料微观组织和力学性能的影响 Effect of graphene content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene-reinforced Al-15Si-4Cu-Mg matrix composites 工程科学学报. 2019, 41(9): 1162 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.09.007 组织形态对718塑料模具钢切削性能的影响 Machinability analysis of microstructures in pre-hardening plastic mold steel 718 工程科学学报. 2020, 42(10): 1343 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.11.06.001 聚丙烯纤维加筋固化尾砂强度及变形特性 Strength and deformation properties of polypropylene fiber-reinforced cemented tailings backfill 工程科学学报. 2019, 41(12): 1618 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2018.12.14.002 粉煤灰改性高水材料力学性能试验研究及机理分析 Experimental study and analysis of the mechanical properties of high-water-content materials modified with fly ash 工程科学学报. 2018, 40(10): 1187 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2018.10.005 GCr15轴承钢表面渗硼层生长动力学与机械性能 Kinetics and mechanical properties of borided GCr15 bearing steel 工程科学学报. 2018, 40(9): 1108 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2018.09.012 固溶时效工艺对6016铝合金力学性能的影响及多目标优化 Effect of solution and aging processes on the mechanical properties of 6016 aluminum alloy and multi-objective optimization 工程科学学报. 2017, 39(1): 75 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2017.01.010
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