最病 A Duck Example 9 a Start with a bunch of quackables o a goose came along and wanted to act like a Quakable too Adapter n Then the Quackologists decided they wanted to count lacks. Decorator Abstract factory j o but the quackologists were worried theyd forget to add the Quack Counter decorator a We had management problems keeping track of all those ducks and geese and quackables Composite Iterator n The Qvackologists also wanted to be notified when any quackable quacked. Observer Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/7 Nanjing UniversityDuck Example Start with a bunch of Quackables.. A goose came along and wanted to act like a Quakable too. Then, the Quackologists decided they wanted to count quacks. But the Quackologists were worried they’d forget to add the QuackCounter decorator. We had management problems keeping track of all those ducks and geese and quackables. The Quackologists also wanted to be notified when any quackable quacked. 2021/2/7 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 9 Adapter Decorator Abstract factory Composite Iterator Observer