Enzymes Are Classified on the Basis of the Types of Reactions That They Catalyze Nomenclature命名: 1.Common names:with little information about the reactions. trypsin:a proteolytic enzyme secreted by the pancreas. 2.Most enzymes are named for their substrates and for the reactions that they catalyze,with the suffix "ase"added. ATPase:an enzyme that breaks down ATP, ATP synthase:an enzyme that synthesizes ATP. Nomenclature for enzymes:in 1964,Enzyme Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry(国际生化联盟) .Reactions were divided into six major groups.These groups were subdivided and further subdivided,so that a four-digit number preceded by the letters EC for Enzyme Commission could precisely identify all enzymes.Enzymes Are Classified on the Basis of the Types of Reactions That They Catalyze Nomenclature命名: 1. Common names: with little information about the reactions. - trypsin: a proteolytic enzyme secreted by the pancreas. 2. Most enzymes are named for their substrates and for the reactions that they catalyze, with the suffix "ase" added. - ATPase: an enzyme that breaks down ATP, - ATP synthase: an enzyme that synthesizes ATP. Nomenclature for enzymes:in 1964,Enzyme Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry(国际生化联盟) •Reactions were divided into six major groups. These groups were subdivided and further subdivided, so that a four-digit number preceded by the letters EC for Enzyme Commission could precisely identify all enzymes
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