Short history of Parkinson's disease study 4000 years ago,historical record 1817:British Doctor James Parkinson reported the disease 1953:found substantia nigra (as diseased site M960:DA↓in striatum 80%neurons loss in substantia nigra Reserpine(利舍平)exhausts DA,causing PD-ike symptoms Lesion of DA pathway in animal,PD-like symptoms 1961:L-dopa effective in the treatment of PD4000 years ago, historical record 1817: British Doctor James Parkinson reported the disease 1953: found substantia nigra (黑质)as diseased site 1960: DA ↓in striatum  80 %neurons loss in substantia nigra  Reserpine (利舍平)exhausts DA, causing PD-like symptoms  Lesion of DA pathway in animal, PD-like symptoms 1961: L-dopa effective in the treatment of PD Short history of Parkinson’s disease study
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