Composition of Variant Regional Music Based on Network Meilin Gu Electronic 15307130394 Abstract Regional music a carrier of local culture. As there are distinct cultural groups across different geographies, regional music can take different features. This paper tries to use network to model local music and bring forward a random walk algorithm with tendency to assist to create a variant regional music which is a combination of Chinese pop music and traditional regional music Key words. networks, music model, composition 1. Introduction. Regional music is an integral part of Chinese traditional culture. But now it is not as popular as past and even unfamiliar for young generation Combination of regional music and pop music can bring fresh vitality to make it shine out and receive eternal inheritance. Network science is a powerful tool and contributes a lot to music analysis and composition A small-world network is a type of mathematical graph in which most nodes are not neighbors of one another, but the neighbors of any given node are likely to be neighbors of each other and most nodes can be reached from every other node by a small number of hops or steps. Specifically, a small-world network is defined to be a network where the typical distance L between two randomly chosen nodes grow proportionally to the logarithm of the number of nodes n in the network, that is L∝logN while the clustering coefficient is not small A motif is a short musical idea, a salient recurring figure, musical fragment or succession of notes that has some special importance in or is characteristic of a composition: The motive is the smallest structural unit possessing thematic identity!". Any motif may be used to construct complete melodies, themes and pieces. Musical development uses a distinct musical figure that is subsequently altered, repeated, or sequenced throughout a piece or section of a piece of music gt eeing its unity 2. Network Model of music 2.1 Coding mode. There are three key elements in the tune of music: tone range and rhythm For tone, 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6, 7 each represents C, D,E,F,G,A, B For rhythm, consider the duration of dotted crotchet is one, and some typical codes 1 Music and Discourse: Toward a Semiology of Music( Musicologie generale et semiologue, 1987). Translated by Carolyn Abbate. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691091366/ISBN 0691027145Composition of Variant Regional Music Based on Network Meilin Gu Electronic Engineering 15307130394 Abstract. Regional music a carrier of local culture. As there are distinct cultural groups across different geographies, regional music can take different features. This paper tries to use network to model local music and bring forward a random walk algorithm with tendency to assist to create a variant regional music which is a combination of Chinese pop music and traditional regional music. Key words. networks, music model, composition 1. Introduction. Regional music is an integral part of Chinese traditional culture. But now it is not as popular as past and even unfamiliar for young generation. Combination of regional music and pop music can bring fresh vitality to make it shine out and receive eternal inheritance. Network science is a powerful tool and contributes a lot to music analysis and composition. A small-world network is a type of mathematical graph in which most nodes are not neighbors of one another, but the neighbors of any given node are likely to be neighbors of each other and most nodes can be reached from every other node by a small number of hops or steps. Specifically, a small-world network is defined to be a network where the typical distance L between two randomly chosen nodes grow proportionally to the logarithm of the number of nodes N in the network, that is: L∝logN while the clustering coefficient is not small. A motif is a short musical idea, a salient recurring figure, musical fragment or succession of notes that has some special importance in or is characteristic of a composition: "The motive is the smallest structural unit possessing thematic identity".1Any motif may be used to construct complete melodies, themes and pieces. Musical development uses a distinct musical figure that is subsequently altered, repeated, or sequenced throughout a piece or section of a piece of music, guaranteeing its unity. 2. Network Model of Music. 2.1 Coding Mode. There are three key elements in the tune of music: tone, range and rhythm. For tone, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 each represents C,D,E,F,G,A,B. For rhythm, consider the duration of dotted crotchet is one, and some typical codes 1 Music and Discourse: Toward a Semiology of Music (Musicologie générale et sémiologue, 1987). Translated by Carolyn Abbate. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691091366/ISBN 0691027145
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