Shopping 2. Exchanging Goods Clerk: Good morning, madam. What Clerk: Of course. Which one would can I do for you? you like? Customer: Oh, yes. Yesterday my Customer: This one looks nice daughter bought this shirt from here How much is it? But it's too small for me, and Id like Clerk: Sixty five. You have to pay a to exchange it to a bigger one balance of four dollars Clerk: O.K. Can I have the receipt, Customer Fair enough. I'll take it please? Customer: Sure. Here you are Notes Clerk: Sorry, I'm afraid we don't have a bigger one with the same color. balance n.余额,收付差额 Customer: Can I return this and buy a new one? 旅游英语 Unit Five--Situational Conversation旅游英语 2. Exchanging Goods Clerk: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you? Customer: Oh, yes. Yesterday my daughter bought this shirt from here. But it’s too small for me, and I’d like to exchange it to a bigger one. Clerk: O.K. Can I have the receipt, please? Customer: Sure. Here you are. Clerk: Sorry, I’m afraid we don’t have a bigger one with the same color. Customer: Can I return this and buy a new one? Clerk: Of course. Which one would you like? Customer: This one looks nice. How much is it? Clerk: Sixty five. You have to pay a balance of four dollars. Customer: Fair enough. I’ll take it. Notes • balance n. 余额,收付差额 Shopping Unit Five--Situational Conversation
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