《财务管理学》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16003703 课程名称:财务管理学 英文名称:Financial Management 课程类别:会计学专业课、经济管理类学科基础课 学时:48学时 学分:3 适用对象:高等院校经济管理类非会计专业 考试方试式:考试 先修课程:经济学、管理学、数理统计、金融学、会计学、资产评估、计算机 应用基础 二、课程简介 中文简介 财务管理是一门实践性较强的经济管理学科,它闸明财务管理的基本理论和 基本方法。本课程以企业资金运动为核心:以资金时间价值、风险报酬为基本观 念:以筹资、投资、资金营运和收益分配为主线,阐述财务管理的基本概念、原 则、制度等理论问题以及财务预测、财务决策、财务预算、财务控制、财务分析 等业务方法。本课程是经济管理类专业的共同核心课程,也是财经类各专业的学 科专业课。 英文简介 Financial management is concerned with the acquisition,financing.and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.The decision function of financial management can be broken into three major areas:the investment.financing. and asset management decision.This course focuses on decision making with an eye toward creating wealth.As such,we will deal with financial decisions such as when to introduce a new product,when to invest in new assets,when to replace existing assets, when to borrow from banks.when to issue stocks or bonds.when to extend credit to a customer.and how much cash to maintain. Financial management is a practical subject which the two basic concepts are the time value of money and risk premium.This course is for students who major in management,finance,and economics. 三、课程性质与教学目的 《财务管理学》是高等院校经济管理类专业的学科基础课程,也是财经类各 《财务管理学》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16003703 课程名称:财务管理学 英文名称:Financial Management 课程类别:会计学专业课、经济管理类学科基础课 学 时:48 学时 学 分:3 适用对象:高等院校经济管理类非会计专业 考试方式:考试 先修课程:经济学、管理学、数理统计、金融学、会计学 、资产评估 、计算机 应用基础 二、课程简介 中文简介 财务管理是一门实践性较强的经济管理学科,它阐明财务管理的基本理论和 基本方法。本课程以企业资金运动为核心;以资金时间价值、风险报酬为基本观 念;以筹资、投资、资金营运和收益分配为主线,阐述财务管理的基本概念、原 则、制度等理论问题以及财务预测、财务决策、财务预算、财务控制、财务分析 等业务方法。本课程是经济管理类专业的共同核心课程,也是财经类各专业的学 科专业课。 英文简介 Financial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind. The decision function of financial management can be broken into three major areas: the investment, financing, and asset management decision. This course focuses on decision making with an eye toward creating wealth. As such, we will deal with financial decisions such as when to introduce a new product, when to invest in new assets, when to replace existing assets, when to borrow from banks, when to issue stocks or bonds, when to extend credit to a customer, and how much cash to maintain. Financial management is a practical subject which the two basic concepts are the time value of money and risk premium. This course is for students who major in management, finance , and economics. 三、课程性质与教学目的 《财务管理学》是高等院校经济管理类专业的学科基础课程,也是财经类各