122 The UMAP Journal 30.2(2009) model, from which we obtain an optimal strategy and harvest timization of acceptable water quality, we build anonlinear equilibrium of Bolinao. With the ratio between feed cost and net income as the inde In Task 6, we put forward a strategy to improve the water qualit the index value of the model is smaller than that of Bolinao area, which signifies the leverage of the strategy. Also, we analyze the polyculture system in terms of ecology. Introduction To improve the situation in Bolinao, we need to establish a practicable polyculture system and introduce it gradually. So our goal is pretty clear Model the original Bolinao coral reef ecosystem before fish farm intro Model the current bolinao milkfish monoculture. Model the remediation of Bolinao via polyculture. Discuss the outputs and economic values of species write a brief to the director of the Pacific Marine Fisheries council sum- marizing the relationship between biodiversity and water quality for coral growl Our approach is: Deeply analyze data in the problem, gradually establishing a model of he coral reef foodweb Withavailable data as evaluationcriteria, confirmthe water quality based on elements in the sediment Establish models, and interpret the actual situation with data, with the of . Do further discussion based on our work. Solutions Task 1 Aiming toward a coral reef foodweb model, we assume that all the species grow in the same fish pen. We divide the species into three popu- lations one alga species (Population 1);122 The UMAP journal 30.2 (2009) of acceptable water quality, we build a nonlinear equilibrium optimization model, from which we obtain an optimal strategy and harvest. In Task 6, we put forward a strategy to improve the water quality in Bolinao. With the ratio between feed cost and net income as the index, the index value of the model is smaller than that of Bolinao area, which signifies the leverage of the strategy. Also, we analyze the polyculture system in terms of ecology. Introduction To improve the situation in Bolinao, we need to establish a practicable polyculture system and introduce it gradually. So our goal is pretty dear: "* Model the original Bolinao coral reef ecosystem before fish farm introduction. "* Model the current Bolinao milkfish monoculture. "* Model the remediation of Bolinao via polyculture. "* Discuss the outputs and economic values of species. "* Write a brief to the director of the Pacific Marine Fisheries Council summarizing the relationship between biodiversity and water quality for coral growth. Our approach is: "* Deeply analyze data in the problem, gradually establishing a model of the coral reef foodweb. "* With available data as evaluation criteria, confirm the water quality based on elements in the sediment. "* Establish models, and interpret the actual situation with data, with the purpose of improving water quality. "* Do further discussion based on our workSolutions Task 1 Aiming toward a coral reef foodweb model, we assume that all the species grow in the same fish pen. We divide the species into three populations: e one alga species (Population 1);