"recognizable”在此处作形容词,表示"of something that can be recognized or identified”,即“可认识的,可公认的,可辨认的”。 His face was instantly recognizable. 他的脸能够马上被认出来。 If the play is changed the way like that,it will not be recognizable as the original Teahouse. 如果剧本照那样改动,就不是原来的《茶馆》了。 "neither”"在此用作副词,表示"a negativestatement is also true about another person or thing”,即"也不,一样不"。需要注意的是,此时它所引导的句子需要倒装。 Tom didn't believe a word she said,and neither did the police. 汤姆不相信她说的任何话,警察也不相信。 Just as you would not,so neither would they. 正如你们不愿意一样,他们也不会答应的。 big-time'在此处作形容词,表示"of thefirst class",即"杰出的,第一流的。 He is a big-time investment banker. 他是一流的投资银行家。 The foundation has been laid for the NBAto not only host more events like last year's wildly ccessfulNBA China Games,but to join forces with the CBAor even possibly run its own Chinese basketball league. 这样所奠定的基础使其不仅能继续去年的成功,举办更多的NBA中国赛,而且能同CBA 合作,甚至可能建立NBA自己的中国篮球联盟。 “lay the foundation”表示“奠定基础",lay”为动词,表示“铺设",其过去式 和过去分词均为laid”。 Mandela helped lay the foundations for a new democratic South Africa. 曼德拉帮助奠定了南非的新的民主基础, It was an invention which laid the foundations of modern radio technology. 是一个新的发明奠定了现代无线电技术的基础。 "ike”在此处作为介词,表示"similarto somethingelse,or happening in the same way,即“像,以与同样的方式",常与look,sound,feel,taste,seem等词连用。 “recognizable”在此处作形容词,表示“of something that can be recognized or identified”,即“可认识的, 可公认的,可辨认的”。 His face was instantly recognizable. 他的脸能够马上被认出来。 If the play is changed the way like that, it will not be recognizable as the original Teahouse. 如果剧本照那样改动,就不是原来的《茶馆》了。 “neither” 在此用作副词,表示“a negative statement is also true about another person or thing”,即“也不,一样不”。需要注意的是,此时它所引导的句子需要倒装。 Tom didn't believe a word she said, and neither did the police. 汤姆不相信她说的任何话,警察也不相信。 Just as you would not, so neither would they. 正如你们不愿意一样,他们也不会答应的。 “big-time”在此处作形容词,表示“of the first class”,即“杰出的,第一流的”。 He is a big-time investment banker. 他是一流的投资银行家。 The foundation has been laid for the NBA to not only host more events like last year's wildly successful NBA China Games, but to join forces with the CBA or even possibly run its own Chinese basketball league. 这样所奠定的基础使其不仅能继续去年的成功,举办更多的 NBA 中国赛,而且能同 CBA 合作,甚至可能建立 NBA 自己的中国篮球联盟。 “lay the foundation”表示“奠定基础”,“lay”为动词,表示“铺设”,其过去式 和过去分词均为“laid”。 Mandela helped lay the foundations for a new democratic South Africa. 曼德拉帮助奠定了南非的新的民主基础。 It was an invention which laid the foundations of modern radio technology. 是一个新的发明奠定了现代无线电技术的基础。 “like”在此处作为介词,表示“similar to something else, or happening in the same way”,即“像,以与……同样的方式”,常与 look,sound,feel,taste,seem 等词连用
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