Abbreviations AB Aharonov-Bohm BS beam splitter chapter CH Clauser and Hore CHSH Clauser,Horne,Shimony,and Holt Cor. cw continuous wave Def. definition EPR Finstein Podoloski and Rosen EPRB Einstein,Podoloski,Rosen,and Bohm GHSZ Greenberger,Horne,Shimony,and Zeilinger GHZ Greenberger.,Horne,and Zeilinger if and only if HV hidden variable LASER light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation LCAO linear combination of atomic orbitals left-hand side MWI many world interpretatior p. page PBS polarization beam splitter POSet partially ordered set Post postulate POVM positive operator valued measure Pr. principle Prob problem PVM projector valued measure rhs right-hand side Sec. section SGM Stern-Gerlach magnet spontaneous parametric down conversion SOUID superconducting quantum interference device Subsec.subsection Tab table theorem VBM valence bond method Abbreviations AB Aharonov–Bohm BS beam splitter Ch. chapter CH Clauser and Horne CHSH Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt Cor. corollary cw continuous wave Def. definition EPR Einstein, Podoloski, and Rosen EPRB Einstein, Podoloski, Rosen, and Bohm Fig. figure GHSZ Greenberger, Horne, Shimony, and Zeilinger GHZ Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger iff if and only if HV hidden variable LASER light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation LCAO linear combination of atomic orbitals lhs left-hand side MWI many world interpretation p. page PBS polarization beam splitter POSet partially ordered set Post. postulate POVM positive operator valued measure Pr. principle Prob. problem PVM projector valued measure rhs right-hand side Sec. section SGM Stern–Gerlach magnet SPDC spontaneous parametric down conversion SQUID superconducting quantum interference device Subsec. subsection Tab. table Th. theorem VBM valence bond method
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