AEATECHNOLoGY ENGINEERING SOFTWAR Commonly Used Routines USRBCS To allow users to specify real information at walls, inlets mass flow boundaries and other 2D patches, called at the start of a run and on each iteration or time step USRBF To allow users to specify body forces, resistances USRCND To allow users to specify conductivity USRCVG To allow users to monitor the solution at every non-linear iteration and test for convergence CFX-4 CFX-4.3V4.3.1H Introductory Training(Dec 1999)CFX-4 Introductory Training (Dec 1999) 9 -3 CFX-4.3 V4.3.1H Commonly Used Routines USRBCS > To allow users to specify real information at walls, inlets, mass flow boundaries and other 2D patches, called at the start of a run and on each iteration or time step. USRBF > To allow users to specify body forces, resistances. USRCND > To allow users to specify conductivity. USRCVG > To allow users to monitor the solution at every non-linear iteration, and test for convergence