REVIEW ARTICLE y.is it a central ed?Is LTP the ind (8)Does ental form in the do chandes in the num rs exist?f so.what are they and how do ntLTP.and to what exten ,2 here 5 m ing less than nha sting m each action ing the te s both pre-ar synapti with sin nt terminals has not nd the c er te ina ITP in ensitivity may be to single stir rolling the r dthe substa case s nt LTP in ion. nddiimgsustaine&ac ity uch as the s nthe me tally at man om the molecular to to ex age i esicles of e many ain (Ro 4. the in i the red from the dentate gyrus quence of the incre on of di phosphor ylation o 43 ch is incre ugh P.Lomo, and r NO.whic The identity of pre s R. 39 all pled to transmite 266.736-737197 Conclusion tive characteristics that define the induction criteri 2086-g011086 NATURE.VOL 361.7 JANUARY 1993 1993N ure Pub ng Group © 1993 NaturePublishingGroup
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