7.Breasts. 8.Evaluate posterior chest excursion. 9.Evaluate Anterior Chest excursion. 10.Palpate for pleural friction rubs. 11.Check for tactile fremitus. 12.Percuss supraclavicutar fosiae. 13.Percuss the posterior chest. 14.Percuss the lower margin of the lungs. 15.Percuss to detect diaPhragmatic movement at scapular lines. 16.Percuss the anterior and lateral chest.7.Breasts. 8.Evaluate posterior chest excursion. 9.EvaIuate Anterior Chest excursion. 10.Palpate for pleural friction rubs. 11.Check for tactile fremitus. 12.Percuss supraclavicutar fosiae. 13.Percuss the posterior chest. 14.Percuss the lower margin of the lungs. 15.Percuss to detect diaPhragmatic movement at scapular lines. 16.Percuss the anterior and lateral chest.
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