IN THE DAYS OF THE TAIPINGS THE TRIADS AT SHANGHAI 9 many years past there has been one rebellion after another, and now I fear the greatest that this dynasty has ever seen my.friend Yang Tzetang,head of the Taki Bank at is making its way in our direction.The long-haired rebels, Shanghai.You might learn banking with me,but on the whose leader styles himself Emperor of the Empire of Eternal whole I think it better that you should enter the Taki Bank Peace,started in Kwangsi and marched victoriously through as my nominee;but first I wish you to learn English,which Hunan,their numbers increasing by thousands with every is the language also of the Americans;and then I think it day of their advance.Now only the day before yesterday I might be managed for you to take service with one of the heard that they have taken Wuchang,the viceregal capital of foreign firms.They will,of course,not teach you any of the Hukwang,and that they number ten myriads or more of their secrets,but you will doubtless be able to pick up some fighting men.” idea of their way of doing business.Now,my dear young "What will stop them,"I asked;"is there no hope?" kinsman,what say you to my proposal?" My uncle shook his head."I cannot say.You probably I was much impressed by what my uncle had said to me. know nothing of all this,but,as a banker,I receive reports I was,however,merely a young student,with no knowledge from my correspondents,and it is my business to sift the of the world and no experience of business or the art of true from the false.The long-haired rebels are said to be directing the work of others,and I shrank from an im- irresistible;and,even if they are dispersed,I foresee other mediate decision.I thanked him for his thought for me, rebellions in the future,while the Imperial rulers seem unable and said that,before deciding,I must consult my father,and to maintain order.Now to our business.I advise you not that it would probably be better if I also took the opinion of to enter official life.I might ask you to join me in the bank, our kinsman Wenkwang. where there is room for you and scope for your talents;but "Yes,"he replied,"you must of course do that and thereby I see an even better prospect for you.For ten years past the show your respect for your honoured father and the head of foreign merchants have been at Shanghai,and in that time our family;but ask them to treat the business as confidential they have developed a fourishing trade in shipping our tea and to keep it locked in their heart.Now I have only to add and silk to their own countries.They are almost all English that,if you accept my proposal,I wish you to start promptly and American,and,from what I hear,they have a reputation on the fifteenth day of the first month,when the bankers' for commercial honour quite equal to our own merchants New Year's moratorium is over and they re-open their and bankers.I wish to get into touch with that trade.I am d00I8.” undecided whether to open a branch of our own bank at I again thanked him and took my leave,with the proper Shanghai,or to form a connexion with one already estab- genuflexion;but,in order to establish for me a new prestige lished there;but,in either case,there is an opening for you, in the eyes of his household,who had only known me as a and the experience you will gain will develop:you in the youth in the house,he accompanied me quite to my chair, right direction,even if you ultimately decide to be your which he had ordered to be brought into the inner court- father's assistant.” yard.I went away with my head in a whirl from the honour "I thank you,uncle,for your thought for me,"I replied, shown me and the confidence reposed in me;but,within the "but how can I be a help?I know nothing of banking,I hour,my long coat and thick-soled boots thrown off,I was know nothing of the ways of foreigners or their language, a boy again,paddling with Cockeye down the Imperial and I am young and inexperienced." Canal,and so home to Tungli. "Yes,"he said,"I know all that,but we have time before Our cousin Wenkwang entirely approved the plan,when it us,I shall not be in a hurry for the bank,and at the outset and the reasons for it had been explained to him. shall content myself with making a business alliance with "I doubt,"he added,"if you would have been a thoroughly successful official.By that I mean that I doubt if you would
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